    摘要近年来由于电子设备的广泛使用,起重机设计方法从传统的力学计算,提升到通过计算器、有限元软件等现代产品的帮助实现桥式起重机的模块化、参数化设计。以往设计员在设计时常采用经典力学法,在结构分析时还是手工计算,对复杂结构的分析,假设和简化运用太多,计算出的结果很难保证精准度,这对使用安全埋下了很大的隐患。随着机械制造业技术的高速发展,工厂生产线大多已经进入自动化阶段,桥式起重机的设计理念也应有所转变,以寻求新的进步。本论文在进行桥式起重机结构设计时采用了传统力学与先进科学技术相结合的设计方法。首先运用力学方法初步确定起重机的各部分结构尺寸,并进行校核,在符合安全要求的条件下,建立其三文模型。先在建模软件 PRO/E 中绘制出此单梁桥式起重机的主梁和端梁的实体模型,确定壁厚、长度等一系列参数,然后将各个部件进行装配,得到整机的三文模型。将建立的桥式起重机三文模型导入ANSYS 中,确定单元类型进行网格划分,利用软件中静力模块对桥式起重机梁结构在承受最大载重量且在不同承载位置时的有限元分析,通过设置相应的参数系统会解出桥架最大变形和最大应力所在的位置,找到桥架结构的薄弱点。分析结果表明,最大应力出现在主、端梁的连接处为173MPa 小于许用应力200MPa 满足要求,最大变形出现主梁中央为29mm 满足刚度要求。最后对单梁桥式起重机进行模态分析,得出载荷在不同位置时的固有频率和固有振动,验证单梁桥式起重机在实际工作中的稳定性、可靠性。35722
    AbstractIn recent years, due to the widespread use of the computer, crane design has improved fromthe traditional mechanical calculation methods to using computers to finish the modular designof cranes.In the past, designers often use classical mechanics method to design and manuallycalculate when structural analysis. The analysis of complex structures using too muchassumptions and simplifications, which is difficult to ensure the accuracy of calculatedresult.This planted a lot of hidden dangers when we using the crane.With the development ofmachinery manufacturing intelligent technology, overhead crane must change the traditionaldesign methods to seek new progress.In this paper, during overhead crane designing I combined the traditional mechanicaldesign methods with the advanced science technology . First, the use of mechanical methods todetermine the initial size of each part of the structure of the crane and verification.Underpremise of the safety requirements, the construction of three-dimensional models. First draw inthe modeling software PRO / E in a solid model for this single-girder bridge crane girders andend of the beam to determine the thickness, length and a series of parameters, and then theinpidual components are assembled to give a three-dimensional model of the machine. Thethree-dimensional model of the bridge crane into ANSYS, the use of software modules for staticbridge crane beam finite element analysis under extreme load conditions, intuitive draw thestress distribution and deformation of the bridge and find the weak bridge structure points to theoverall design improvements.The results show that the maximum stress occurs at the junction ofthe main beam and the end of the beam.The maximum stress is 173MPa less than the allowablestress 200MPa meet the requirements.The maximum deformation appearing central to the mainbeam is 29mm which meeting the stiffness requirements.Finally, make a modal analysis for thesingle girder crane , getting the natural frequencies and vibration loads at different locations toverify the stability and reliability of the single girder overhead crane in the actual work.KeyWords:Bridge crane,The design of ridge construction,Finite element analysis,Modal Analysis
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