    毕业论文关键词: 压电式传感器;钻削;测力;石英晶片;灵敏度
    Design of auxiliary device for drilling force system
    Abstract:Piezoelectric sensor is a kind of typical power sensor and its sensing element is force sensitive element, can measure can eventually become powerless physical quantity, for example: force, torque and acceleration.
    The piezoelectric sensor is a drilling dynamometer based on the crystal distortion effect of quartz crystal.. Drill the the novel piezoelectric type cutting measuring instrument axial force measuring 2 lamellae group using quartz crystal group of; group of torque measuring crystal is consists of 3 pieces with torsion effect of chip component, the device can be increased by 1 times the charge sensitivity.
    The experimental results show that the piezoelectric quartz chip can simultaneously measure the torque, radial force and axial force of the drilling process.. And these three indicators can also achieve the international standards. This kind of drilling dynamometer has the characteristics of high sensitivity, high inherent frequency, good linearity and good repeatability, and has the advantages of simple structure, easy assembly and debugging, low cost and wide application scenario..
    The sensitivity is the most important for the piezoelectric sensor, while the sensitivity depends on the number of the quartz chip and the number of patches.. In this paper, three sets of piezoelectric quartz chip are designed, and the sensitivity of the chip is analyzed..
    For the sensitivity, the axial force and torque are mainly analyzed.. Torque is the main test sensitivity of the data, but also relatively complex data measured. The pressure sensitivity of piezoelectric sensors required for data detection is very important, because the detection data can effectively help processing personnel to carry out the drilling process potential risk will occur in the prevention, to avoid major accidents in production.
    In machining, the piezoelectric sensor is used for drilling, milling, turning, etc.. Therefore, this paper is the design of drilling cutting test used in the force system of piezoelectric sensor structure, a variety of structural analysis, select most suitable measuring the drilling force system auxiliary device structure.
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