    在我们的一生当中有很长的一段时间是处于坐姿的状态的,如果我们不注意良好的坐姿的养成那么就会影响我们的身体骨骼的发育,随着坐姿不良引起的疾病问题日渐增多,人们纷纷将目光集中于如何防止坐姿不良这一问题之上。无论是从座椅的设计,还是从自身的习惯入手,坐姿压力测量都是解决问题的理论依据之一。现代社会,坐姿不良被证明为很多疾病的起因,例如脊柱侧弯, 颈椎病,尾骨疼痛等,尤其是青少年正处于身体成长期,坐姿不良的坏习惯会对青少年的身体健康产生极大的危害。同样的,没有一个良好的坐姿也会影响我们的外在形象,因此坐姿的养成对于我们而言就显得特别的重要。通过查阅相关资料,关于坐姿压力测量的相关设备在国内还相对薄弱,在国外比较成熟。在本次项目中分析并且选择了几种不同类型的测压传感器,并对传感器阵列进行了优化与布置。针对所选择的传感器,设计了相应的驱动电路以及相应的硬件编码电路,并进行实验验证。进行了实际的坐姿压力测量的实验,对几种传感器进行对比研究,改进和优化软硬件设计。lf0043
        关键词   坐姿 坐姿压力 传感器  导电橡胶
        In our life, has a long period of time is in a state of posture, if we do not pay attention to the cultivation of good posture, it will influence the development of our body's skeletal, with poor posture disease problems caused by the increasing, people have focused on how to prevent bad posture on the issue. Whether it is from the seat of the design, or from their own habits, sitting pressure measurement is one of the theoretical basis for solving the problem. In modern society, poor posture is proved to be the cause of many diseases, such as scoliosis, cervical spondylosis, coccyx pain, especially teenagers are in the growth stage, the posture bad bad habit will produce great harm to young people's health. Similarly, without a good sitting posture will affect our external image, so the form of sitting posture is very important for us. Through access to relevant information, on the sitting pressure measurement of the relevant equipment in the country is still relatively weak, relatively mature in foreign countries. In this project, we analyze and select several different kinds of pressure sensor, and optimize and arrange the sensor array. According to the selected sensor, the corresponding driving circuit and the corresponding hardware coding circuit are designed, and the experimental verification is carried out. In the experiment, the experimental measurement of the sitting posture is carried out, and several kinds of sensors are compared and studied to improve and optimize the software and hardware design.
    111 坐姿压力分布的概念以及正确坐姿的好处 1
    12 坐姿压力测量在国内的发展 3
    13 坐姿压力测量在国外的发展 3
    14 存在的问题 3
    15 项目提出的意义以及本文研究的主要内容 4
    21 几种不同压力传感器的分析 5
    211 传感器的定义,分类以及性能指标 5
    212 传感器的静态特性指标 6
    213 传感器的动态特性指标 7
    214 传感器材料的选择  8
    31 应变片压力传感器  8
    32 基于电阻应变片测量压力的实验  9
    33 压阻式压力传感器  10
    34 压电式压力传感器 11
    35 电容式压力传感器12
    41 导电橡胶的特性以及在传感器中的应用15
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