    Outdoor mobile robot autonomous navigation method
    This article focuses on the design of the outdoor mobile robot autonomous navigation method, the content of the design includes a few main, pit robot autonomous positioning, pit robot path planning, autonomous mobile robot obstacle avoidance for the main content. The robot can self perception of their current in the environment, for their own direction, speed, be able to control, the robot get the destination information, independent planning route, looking for a path, and real-time detection in moving their motions, whether to deviate from the course. In case of an obstacle, for avoiding, independent looking for elusion path, after completion of the obstacle avoidance, back to the course, complete the destination. After completion of the design, the design content need to be validated, the class design mainly aimed at the sensor signal reception, signal analysis, such as an experiment. Specific experiments have: GPS reception experiment, the acceleration sensor signal receiving experiment, experiment signals is electronic compass, infrared rangefinder signal processing experiment, the ultrasonic sensor signal receiving experiment. Under the support of feasibility experiment to complete the design. Ultimately achieve the design content of outdoor mobile robot autonomous navigation method
    Key words: mobile robot, autonomous positioning, autonomous navigation and obstacle avoidance design
    第一章 绪论.. . . . . . ..4
    1.1引言. . . . . 4
    1.2移动机器人国内外发展状况.  . . 4
    1.3移动机器人定位技术国内外发展状况. . . ..5
    1.4移动机器人定位导航课题研究背景. . . .5
    1.5本课题研究意义及其内容. . .  ..6第二章移动机器人常用导航方法及其导航方法确定7
    2.1常用移动机器人自主导航方法调研.  . ..7
    2.2本课题所研究的移动机器人导航定位方式.  ..10
    2.3移动机器人自主导航常用硬件及本课题所选用硬件. .10
    2.4机器人自主导航软件编程部分. . . .12
    2.5移动机器人常用避障方法课题调研. . .12
    2.6本课题所研究的移动机器人障碍物规避方式. .13
    第三章移动机器人惯性导航定位系统基本理论. .15
    3.1惯性导航元件工作原理. . . .15
    3.2惯性定位系统的设计要求. . . . 15
    3.3系统性能要求. .  . . 15
    3.4惯性定位系统的体系结构设计. . . .. .16
    3.5惯性导航硬件设计 . . . . ..17
    3.6硬件测试. . . . . .17
    3.7实验电路图实物连接图与线框图. . . ..18
    3.8本设计采用所电源型号. . . .. .19
    第四章移动机器人惯性导航系统仿真调试实验.. 21
    4.1惯性定位系统的软件设计.  . . .22
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