    关键词  单兵火箭弹  外弹道模型  自整定  PID控制  仿真
    Title    Inpidual type rocket simple self-tuning PID flight control research                                                           
    Inpidual rocket is a weapon to kill your high efficiency,it has the advantages of cost-effective,easy to carry,but its beyond effective range precision is reduced,spread will become large,which requires the use of control technology in order to greatly improve the accuracy of rocket. Based on certain inpidual rocket as research object,this paper designed a simple self-tuning PID controller. In the common system,inpidual rocket flight mechanics model is established,the design scheme of flight trajectory,the small disturbance theory and coefficient freezing method to simplify the mathematical model of inpidual rocket,the disturbed motion mathematical model,so as to deduce the transfer function of ballistic missile body.Bode drawing,according to the transfer function of PID control parameters tuning,using Simulink simulation,the analysis of simulation results,we can find that the building of mathematical model is correct, the controller design is reasonable,the control effect is good,the design is verified by the inpidual type of rocket feasibility of simple self-tuning PID control system.
     Keywords  Inpidual rocket  Outside ballistic model  Self-turning  PID control   Simulation
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景与意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究情况    2
    1.3  论文主要工作    4
    2  坐标系的定义及其转换    5
    2.1  坐标系的定义    5
    2.2 坐标系之间的转换    6
    3  单兵式火箭弹的飞行力学模型    9
    3.1  研究对象受力分析    9
    3.1.1  作用在火箭弹上的力    9
    3.1.2  作用在火箭弹上的空气动力矩    11
    3.2  单兵火箭弹数学模型    12
    3.2.1  动力学方程    12
    3.2.2  运动学方程    15
    3.2.3  火箭弹纵向飞行状态的方程组    16
    3.3  模型参数与计算条件    17
    3.4  本章小结    18
    4  简易自整定PID控制    19
    4.1  自整定PID控制    19
    4.2  动态特性分析    19
    4.3  控制方案设计    23
    4.4  PID控制系统的性能指标    23
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