    关键词  定向战斗部  破片飞散  数值模拟  实验研究
    Title    Numerical simulation and experimental study of Aimable Warhead fragments scattering
    Expandable Warhead is a new type of warhead ,which about the hinge mechanical  
    expansion by the action of the auxiliary charge ,when the warhead launched from a certain angle to detonate the main charge ,scattering of broken pieces centralized direction to the target , thereby improving directional warhead damage benefits. Because of differently unfold angles and different shapes conditions, it produce fragments with different scattering characteristics, the damage brought about by the effects of different accordingly. Simple model expansion warhead is built by ANSYS / LS-DYNA finite element analysis software, by changing its fragments arranged of the shape and expansion angle to simulate warhead distribution field under different conditions. Obtaining fragments of the spatial distribution and velocity distribution data, and then compare the influence of various design parameters to obtain the amount of warhead fragments scattering characteristics. In addition, by expanding type directional warhead lethality comprehensive test, obtained under different circumstances unfold attitude, broken piece of space distribution of a range of scattering angles within the range of situations and different fragments of average speed. Fragments space finally obtained by the numerical simulation of distribution results of comparative and experimental research results, obtained in different angular development, the Warhead several fragments open-type directional in the scattering angle range than the average conventional warhead to be more, that expansion directional warhead fragments have a high density gain in target direction. For comparison of the results of the velocity distribution, expanded the total angle to give smaller fragments scattering angle increases in place to obtain greater speed; the greater the total expansion angle, the greater the smaller fragments scattering angle where acquisition speed.
    Keywords   Aimable warhead   Fragments scattered   Numerical simulation   Experimental research
    1 引言    1
    1.1研究背景    1
    1.1.1 研究背景    1
    1.1.2 展开式定向战斗部概述    2
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