    关键词  制退机  节制杆  Optimization  ISIGHT  MATLAB  龙格库塔法  改进欧拉法
    Title  The Design Optimization For An Artillery Recoil Mechanism
    In this thesis, the structural analysis of an artillery recoil mechanism was conducted, and the formulation rule of recoil resistance was studied. the force analysis of recoil mechanism was carried out according to the chamber pressure curve, and the dynamic analysis on recoil brake model during recoil stroke was studied using developed simulation program based on Matlab software. Usually,the change and optimization of recoil resistance can be succeeded by adjusting the structure size of the throttlling bar to change the area of liquid orifice associated the variation of recoil resistance. Therefor, the structural optimizatin for throttling bar of recoil mechanism was conducted in this thesis, using ISIGHT optimization software to obtain the optimal structure size of the throttling bar based on the dynamic model of recoil mechanism and various optimization algorithms. The maximal recoil resistance was reduced significantly by structure size optimiztion of the throttling bar, and the optimized recoil resistance curve was more smoothly compared to that without optimiztion process.
    Keyword  recoil brake  throttliing bar  optimization method  ISIGHT Runge-Kutta method  improved Euler method   
    目   录
        1.  绪论    1
    1.1  火炮及反后坐装置简介    1
    1.2  设计优化的主要方法    2
    2.  制退机主要结构尺寸确定    4
    2.1  制退机工作长度    4
    2.2  活塞工作面积    4
    2.3  制退筒内径及制退杆外径    4
    2.4  制退杆内腔直径    5
    2.5  节制环直径    5
    3.  反后坐装置受力及运动分析    7
    3.1  炮膛合力分析    7
    3.2  复进机力分析    10
    3.3  液压阻力分析    11
    3.4 后坐阻力分析    15
    4.  Matlab编程与计算    17
    4.1  正反面反后坐装置设计计算    17
    4.2  炮膛合力的计算    18
    4.3 复进机力的计算    19
    4.4  Matlab求解后坐阻力与后坐运动诸元    21
    5.  Isight集成Matlab进行后坐阻力优化    34
    5.1  基于改进的可行方向法优化    34
    5.2  基于序列二次规划法优化    36
    5.3  基于广义虎克定律直接搜索法优化    38
    结  论    40
    致  谢    41
    1.  绪论
    1.1  火炮及反后坐装置简介
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