    PCH-1216 Ring hammer crusher Overall Design
    Abstract: Ring hammer crusher is an impact crusher rotor with a ring hammer. Ring hammer crusher hammer through the high-speed rotation of the material collide thus broken material, it has a simple structure, large crushing ratio, high production efficiency, and can be used for dry and wet two forms crushing, hammer crusher for mining , cement, coal, metallurgy, building materials, highways and other departments of medium hardness and brittle materials crushing. According to the different requirements of users, ring hammer crusher can adjust the gap sieve mechanism can be set differently to change the size of the expected size. The rotor is the main working parts ring hammer crusher, motor driven by fluid coupling of the rotor shaft in the crusher chassis at a higher speed. Material from the top of the chassis inlet into the machine, and the impact in the fight against high-speed rotation of the hammer smash. In the bottom of the rotor, with an adjustable mesh size sieve mechanism, the mesh size is less than the pulverized material is discharged through the sieve, sieve size larger than the left in the chassis.
    In recent years, China's steel industry and mining in the context of sustained economic growth has been rapid development, social demand and production scale of all kinds of materials also increased, the rapid increase in the amount of material required broken, therefore, demand is also growing crusher, crusher variety of applications more and more widely. With the global mineral depletion of this phenomenon, the demand for ore processing of geometric order of magnitude increase, which undoubtedly increases the crusher performance and efficiency requirements. Therefore, designers, crusher design requirements and standards also will be improved, in order to make the performance and efficiency of the crusher has increased, it is necessary to learn from each other, to integrate the advantages of various crushers, for the past design experience the new crusher designed or modified so that the level of crushing equipment in the world ranking.
    Key Words: ring hammer ; crusher ; design
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