    YL25型轮胎压路机传动系统设计[关键词]:轮胎压路机 传动系统 变速箱 减速箱 驱动桥[摘  要]:我国为不断推进现代化建设,跻身于国际前列,越来越注重道路交通的发展,这是因为道路交通的繁荣昌盛,密切地关系到经济的飞速发展。作为道路“建筑工”的压实机械,其发展也成为经济建设的重点关注对象。如今轮胎压路机仍然占领着中国市场,其良好的作业性能适应国内的道路质量建设要求。本毕业论文主要对徐工集团YL25型压路机的传动系统进行改进和创新设计。在设计的过程中,首先分析了国内压路机的发展趋势,作为设计压路机传动系统的铺垫,然后针对这种趋势,考虑各方面因素,提出了三种可实行的方案,根据实际情况和条件选出了最佳传动方案,这种方案便是运用机械传动,主要利用变速箱、减速器、驱动桥、传动轴等组成部件构成了整个压路机的传动系统。这些组成部件也一一选型,强度校核计算,最后让整个传动系统成型。另外,正对传动系统的组成部件还用CAD图进行绘制,完成了YL25型压路机传动系统的设计。32653
    The YL25 Tyre Roller Drive System Design
    [KEY WORDS]:pneumatic tyre roller,transmission,inverse reducer,drive axle
    [ABSTRACT]:China will continue to propel the modernization drive, among the forefront of the international, more and more attention to the development of road traffic, this is because of the prosperity of the road traffic, closely related to the economic rapid development. As the road construction, the compaction machinery, its development has become the focus of economic construction attention object. Today, the tire roller still occupy the Chinese market, its good working performance adapts to the domestic road quality construction requirements. Improvement and innovation in the design of transmission system the main roller of YL25 type of Xugong group. In the design process. Firstly, it analyzes the development trend of domestic road roller, as the design pressure road machine drive system to pave the way, then according to this trend, considering various factors, put forward three kinds of schemes can be implemented, according to the actual situation and the conditions selected optimal transmission scheme, this scheme is the use of mechanical transmission, mainly use the gearbox, reducer, driving bridge, drive shaft and other components constitute the transmission system of the road roller. These components are also selected, the intensity of the calculation, and finally let the whole drive system molding. In addition, the components of the transmission system are also drawn with CAD, and the design of the driving system of the YL25 roller is completed.
    目    录
    第一章 前言    1
    1.1 概述    1
    1.2 国内外轮胎压路机的现状及发展前景    1
    1.3 课题简介    4
    1.4 小结    6
    第二章 传动方案设计    7
    2.1 原传动系统的分析    7
    2.2 传动方案设计原则    7
    2.3 三种传动方案设计    8
    2.4小结    9
    第三章 传动系统设计    10
    3.1 基本参数的确定    10
    3.2 传动系统的速比分配    10
    3.3 传动系统的组成    12
    3.4 小结    34
    第四章 传动系统的故障及排除    35
    4.1主离合器    35
    4.2 变速器    36
    4.3 驱动桥    37
    4.4 减速器    37
    4.5 小结    38
    结 论    39
    后 记    40
    参考文献    41
    第一章 前言
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