    1、本课题的主要涉及的两个物理量为磁导率 和电感 ,首先明确了磁导率与磁化回线的基本定义,以及测量磁导率在实际生产以及科学研究中的重要性;将现阶段已知能够较好地测量磁性材料磁导率的方法和设备做出了总结;对常用的空芯螺线管电感值计算方法——等效磁场法(经验公式)和分段法进行了推导说明;对于无法用具体公式表示的有芯螺线管电感值则提出了利用电桥法进行测量和建立相应的等效模型;利用实际测量来证明空心螺线管电感值计算方法的可靠性,比较两者之间的差异以及分析各自的优缺点和适用条件。
    2、通过磁链对于电感的定义可以知道螺线管电感值与螺线管的磁通量 有关,而改变螺线管有效磁导率 会对 产生相应的影响,所以通过理论分析当改变螺线管有效磁导率 后螺线管电感 也会改变。同时进行了一些实际的测量,来验证理论上分析的正确性。
    毕业论文关键词  有效磁导率  电感  计算  实验测量 
    Title  The influence that the change of magnetic core’s magnetic  properties had on electrical parameters of the solenoid   
    Under normal circumstances,Inductance of air core solenoid values to a fixed value and when the effective magnetic core solenoid include magnetic material part,the magnetic properties of the magnetic core ,solenoid effective permeability, is affected by the permeability of the ferromagnetic material,which will affect the magnetic flux of the solenoid.When the magnetic flux solenoid changes,The solenoid inductance will be changed.If the solenoid connected is in a closed loop, the solenoid will generate induced electromotive force.There are many ways to changing the effective permeability of core solenoid in practice,whether it is a simple method to change the composition of ferromagnetic materials or to change the physical properties of ferromagnetic materials.When the effective permeability of core solenoid had been changed,it’s electrical parameters were also changed.On the basis of this theory, some relevant contents are studied, and the main work is as follows:
    1、This topic mainly involves two physical quantities for permeability and inductance, first has been clear about the basic definition of the permeability and magnetic hysteresis, and the importance of permeability measurement in the actual production and scientific in researches.The method and equipment of measuring magnetic permeability of magnetic materials at present are summarized.Commonly used air cored solenoid inductance value calculation method, equivalent magnetic field (empirical formula) method and the experience method ,is deduced .For cannot be represented by a specific formula with core solenoid inductance value is put forward by the bridge method measuring and build the corresponding equivalent model.The actual measure is used to prove hollow solenoid inductance calculation method of reliability,compare their respective advantages, disadvantages and applicable conditions.
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