    [摘 要]:卡车转向灯灯座是卡车转向灯的主要支撑部分,体积小,薄壁,多型芯,复杂结构件;其一模多腔模具制造成本高,周期长,难加工。针对塑件以上特点,基于 Pro/E 软件的参数化设计,对卡车转向灯灯座进行注塑模具设计。首先,模具芯腔与型芯采用组合式配合,单独加工型芯,在传统整体式加工方法基础上加以改进;简化制造工艺工序,避免因模具部分损坏,而重新制造,降低模具制造难度,缩短制造周期。其次,小型复杂塑件侧凹斜向抽芯,侧滑块和侧型芯一体化设计,与楔紧块配合部分采用圆角过渡,解决小部件尖角应力集中,大大提高模具寿命。最后,斜导柱直接固定在楔紧块上,即楔紧块与斜导柱固定板一体化设计,通过螺钉固定在定模板上,改进楔紧块单独制造的方式,简化模具结构,降低模具制造周期。结果表明,与传统的设计方法相比,Pro/E 软件参数化设计功能集三文建模、模具设计和模架装配等模块于一体,大大缩短了模具设计的时间,节约了设计成本,降低制造难度。31533
    Injection mold design with truck steering lampholder based on Pro/E
    Abstract:Trucks turn signal lamp holder which is small size and thin wall, multiple cores,complex structure is the main support part of the turn signal.the cost of One mold multi-cavitymould manufacturing is high and the cycle is long, difficult to processing. According to thecharacteristics of the parts above, the parameterized design based on Pro/E software andinjection mold design is carried out on the truck turn signal lamp holder. First of all, the moldcore, cavity and core are combined with separate processing core, which is based on thetraditional monolithic machining method improved,Simplify the manufacturing process, to avoidthe mold damage and to manufacturing, decrease the difficulty of mold manufacturing to shortenthe manufacturing cycle. Second, small complex plastic side concave oblique core-pulling, slideblock and side core integration design, cooperate with chocking piece part adopts the roundedtransition, solve the widget Angle of stress concentration, greatly improve the die life. Finally,the inclined guide pillar directly fixed on the chocking block, namely the wedge block andinclined guide pillar is fixed plate integrated design, through the screw on the fixed template,improve the methods of chocking block are made separately, simplified the mould structure,reduce the mould manufacturing cycle. Results show that compared with the traditional designmethod, the parametric design of Pro/E software functions of 3 d modeling, mold design and mold frame assembly module into an organic whole, greatly shortens the time of mold designand save design costs, reduce the manufacturing difficulty.
    Keywords Pro/E; injection mold; fillet transition; mold flow analysis
    摘 要 ..3
    Abstract. 3
    第 1 章 前言5
    1.1 课题综述研究意义..5
    1.2 国内外现状.. 5
    第 2 章 塑件的结构工艺性分析..7
    2.1 塑件的结构工艺性分析7
    2.2 灯座材料分析 9
    2.2.1 灯座材料选择原则.. 9
    2.2.2 灯座材料的性能.. 10
    2.2.3 ABS 成形条件..10
    2.2.4 ABS 塑料主要技术指标. 10
    2.3 注射成型工艺过程. 10
    2.4 注射成型工艺参数. 10
    第 3 章 卡车转向灯灯座注塑模具总体方案设计.. 12
    3.1 方案设计..12
    3.2 方案选择..12
    第 4 章 卡车转向灯灯座注塑模具注塑机的选用与校核 13
    4.1 注塑机的选择. 13
    4.2 注塑机的校核. 13
    第 5 章 卡车转向灯灯座注塑模具设计与计算. 16
    5.1 分型面的设计. 16
    5.2 模具型腔数目及排布方式的确定 17
    5.2.1 模具型腔数目的确定..17
    5.2.2 型腔的排列.. 18
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