    关键词  PID控制 参数整定 仿真
    Title  Parameters Tuning Algorithms of PID Controller in Industrial Processes
    PID control is one of the well developed control strategies. Since it has simple structure, good robustness, high reliability and easy operation, PID control has been widely used in industrial process control. Although there are a lot of advanced control methods introduced in the last decades, the PID controllers are still widely used in many fields such as metallurgy, chemical, power, and light industries. This essay presents the basic principle and structure of modern manufacturing industry control system, the basic principle and parameter tuning methods of PID controller. For the first order lag plus delay systems and the second order lag plus systems, we study several typical PID controller parameters tuning methods such as Z-N method、C-C method and the optimal tuning method , and the corresponding algorithms design. This essay uses Matlab software tools to compile the corresponding software programs and realize process simulation.
    Keywords  PID control, parameters tuning, simulation
    目    次
    1 引言    1
    1.1 课题研究的意义    1
    1.2 控制系统    1
    1.3 PID控制器参数整定的发展与现状    2
    1.4 研究内容和拟解决的问题    3
    2 PID参数整定方法    4
    2.1 PID控制器的基本原理    4
    2.2 常规Z-N整定方法及实现分析    5
    2.3 Cohen-Coon整定法    8
    2.4最优PID整定算法    8
    3 PID参数整定算法MATLAB仿真验证    11
    3.1带有时间延迟的一阶对象仿真    11
    3.2 带有时间延迟的二阶对象仿真    16
    4 PID控制器设计仿真实例    23
    4.1 换热器    23
    4.2双容水箱    26
    总结    31
    致谢    32
    参考文献    33
    1 引言
    1.1 课题研究的意义
    (1) 原理简单,使用方便。
    (2) 适应性强,可广泛应用于化工、热工、冶金、炼油及造纸、建材等各个生产部门。按PID控制进行工作的控制器早已商品化。在具体实现上它们经历了机械式、液动式、气动式、电子式等发展阶段,始终没有脱离PID控制的范畴。
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