    本文根据130mm火箭滑翔增程制导炮弹的射程要求、内弹道参数需求、外弹道参数需求、气动参数要求详细讨论了相关各个阶段的计算方法,并根据该计算方法编写了visualbasic程序,进行了相关的计算并绘出外弹道射程及速度曲线、内弹道压强及推力曲线,使得气动结构和内外弹道在理论上满足战术需求。 31358
    关键词  火箭、火箭增程、增程炮弹、火箭复合增程炮弹
    Title    The 130MM-Rocket Glider Extended Range Guided Munition  
    This paper proposed and designed based on the bottom row - rocket-propelled combines long-range artillery rocket-guided munitions -130mm gliding extended range guided artillery shells and bombs in the overall design for the study content.
    In this paper, the 130mm rocket glider Extended Range Guided Munition analysis it's structural features ,the operating characteristics of the rocket inside the apparatus and discussion the rocket Gliding Range timing of work detailedly, and its impact on the ballistic characteristics to achieve optimal trajectory matching theory.
    According to 130mm rocket Gliding Extended Range Guided Munition range requirements, internal ballistics parameter requirements, foreign demand trajectory parameters, aerodynamic parameters required calculation method is discussed in detail the various stages and made visualbasic program according to the calculation method for the relevant calculate to plot the range , velocity curve external ballistics, interior ballistics pressure and thrust curves, making aerodynamic structure fiting internal ballistics and external ballistics, in theory,to up to the tactical needs.
    Keywords  rocket  rocket extended range  rocket-assisted projectile extend-range solid rocket motor
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  大口径增程弹药的发展趋势    1
    1.2  火箭滑翔增程制导炮弹增程原理    1
    1.3  火箭滑翔增程制导炮弹的工作时序    1
    1.4  我国发展火箭滑翔增程制导炮弹的重要意义    2
    1.5  火箭滑翔增程制导炮弹技术的发展现状    3
    1.6  选题背景及研究内容    5
    2  火箭滑翔增程制导炮弹总体设计    6
    2.1  技术指标    6
    2.2  总体结构与布局    6
    2.3  零部件设计    8
    3  火箭滑翔增程制导炮弹气动特性计算    12
    3.1  炮兵标准气象条件[13]    12
    3.2  气动参数计算[14]    14
    4  火箭滑翔增程制导炮弹外弹道计算    24
    4.1  火箭飞行质点弹道方程    24
    4.2  数值计算与方法[15]    26
    4.3  计算结果与分析    26
    5  续航发动机设计与分析    29
    5.1  续航发动机总体设计    29
    5.2  续航发动机内弹道计算[17]    33
    5.3  组件强度校核[11]    36
    结  论    39
    致  谢    40
    附录A  曲线图    42
    表1  1943年阻力定律表    44
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