     Design of NC rotary worktable
    Abstract:The graduation project is the subject of design of CNC rotary worktable. NC rotary table on the design, so that before the students entered the community, not only to design a CNC rotary worktable, and can master the mechanical design of the methods and procedures. The main content of this research include: determining the transmission scheme of CNC rotary worktable; driving force calculation and other calculations; part design and verification; part and three-dimensional mapping model; assembly drawing and motion simulation.
    NC rotary worktable for the design, first of all, the overall design, use of transmission scheme and worm gear drive; then each part of the design and verification, the whole worm and shaft structure; worm screw connection with the worktable; Balance worktable by thrust bearings to ensure; box from the box seat, lid and cover, of which the box on the design of the round table and strengthen the tendons; Finally, the parts for assembly.
    The circumference of CNC rotary worktable by the completion of the feed, rotary worktable with X, Y, Z three axis coordinates to be processed into a variety of balls, such as circular surface. Precision rotary worktable can realize automatic indexing, and expand the range of CNC machining. Currently, the NC rotary table CNC boring and milling machines are mainly used. With more and more widespread application of CNC technology, CNC rotary worktable applications has become a historical necessity.
    Keywords:  NC rotary worktable; gear; worm; box; modeling
    1绪论    1
    1.1  课题来源    1
    1.2  研究目的与意义    1
    1.3  研究项目的现状及发展趋势    2
    2 数控回转工作台的原理与应用    3
    2.1  数控回转工作台的原理    3
    2.2  设计准则    4
    2.3  主要技术参数    4
    3数控回转工作台的设计    1
    3.1 数控回转工作台传动方案的选择    1
    3.1.1 驱动传动方案应满足的要求    1
    3.1.2 传动方案及其分析    1
    3.2伺服电机的选择及运动参数的计算    2
    3.3齿轮传动的设计    4
    3.4蜗杆蜗轮的选用与校核    8
    3.5 轴承的选用    12
    4 传动件间隙消除结构设计    14
    4.1.1 双螺距渐厚蜗杆的介绍    14
    4.1.2 本设计中蜗杆副侧隙的调整过程    15
    4.1.3齿轮间隙消除机构    15
    5 夹紧机构的设计    17
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