    本课题采用高性能、低功耗的STM32芯片(基于ARM Cortex-M4内核)作为主处理器,同时扩展ROM和SRAM,并通过USART串口、SPI总线、I2C总线等串行接口对卫星进行数据采集和任务操作。本课题完成了星务计算机原理样机的设计(包括局部原理图设计、PCB板设计和元器件焊接等工作)和星务管理软件的设计说明,为NJUST-1立方体纳卫星的研制贡献了一份力量。30954
    关键词  立方体纳卫星  星务计算机  硬件电路设计  软件需求说明
    Title     Hardware Design and Development of On-Board Computer   for a CubeSat                                         
    CubeSat is a standard platform that has so many advantages such as short development cycle,low cost and flexible launch. At present,its development in other countries is rapid,the technology is relatively mature,so it is widely applicated in many areas,while the domestic is still in early development stage,there is still a lot of room for improvement.As the core parts of the CubeSat,On-Board Computer is responsible for satellite communication,data processing,attitude determination and control,data storage and program storage and other important tasks.
    In this paper,we choose the high-performance and low-power STM32 chip (based on the ARM Cortex-M kernel) as the main processor to conduct the expansion of ROM and SRAM,and meanwhile acquire and process on-board data through the interface of USART,SPI and I2C.This subject has accomplished the design of prototype On-Board
    Computer(including the design of partial schematic and PCB board,welding components) and the requirement instructions of On-Board Computer management software,makes a contribution to the development of NJUST-1.
    Keywords  CubeSat  On-Board Computer  hardware design  software requirement
    目   次
    1    引言    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  研究现状    2
    1.3  课题研究内容    3
    1.4  本章小结    3
    2    星务计算机设计    4
    2.1  硬件要求    4
    2.2  STM32芯片简介    4
    2.3  存储器模块设计    5
    2.4  其它电路设计    10
    2.5  星务计算机PCB板设计    10
    2.6  本章小结    14
    3    星务管理软件设计说明    15
    3.1  编写目的    15
    3.2  项目简介    15
    3.3  程序系统结构    16
    3.4  星上变量    16
    3.5  星上日志    17
    3.6  启动流程    18
    3.7  星上任务    20
    3.8  本章小结    32
    结  论    33
    致  谢    34
    1  引言
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