    摘要: 本课题主要涉及次口径增程技术,其工作原理是利用弹托结构实现与火炮膛内同口径发射,膛外通过脱壳技术使弹丸飞行主体(或弹芯)的正面迎风阻力减小而实现增程。因弹丸飞行主体口径小于火炮内膛口径而得名,并由此诞生了次口径增程弹。30801
    关键词: 次口径,尾翼稳定,弹带,弹托,远程榴弹
    Title   122mm fin-stabilized sub caliber projectile design
    The main topic related to sub-caliber extended-range technology, its working principle is to use sabots structure to achieve with the launch of the same caliber artillery bore, bore outer projectile flying through shelling technology enables the body (or pits) in front to reduce wind resistance and achieve extended range. Because caliber projectiles flying body bore diameter of less than artillery named, and thus was born the sub-caliber extended-range bombs.
    Enhance the grenade range is a complex issue, It relates to the power, accuracy, stability and other issues. Issues must be considered very much, after the finished design costs and expensive experiments. Therefore, designers need a comprehensive design strict in the design.
    This paper studies the 122mm smoothbore gun during launch, extended-range issues and stability problems of sub-caliber fin-stabilized grenade. This article draws rely on the size of the projectile with SolidWorks models,write some strength analysis software programming by VB. And a lot of paper to calculate, finally can draw a steady flight, range increased  40% sub-caliber fin-stabilized remote grenades.
     Keywords: Sub-caliber, Fin-stabilized, Elastic band, Sabot, Remote Grenade
    1  引言    1
    1.1  课题的研究背景及发展    1
    1.2  122mm尾翼稳定次口径远程榴弹原理    1
    1.3  国内外研究现状    2
    1.4  论文的工作和章节安排    3
    2  次口径远程榴弹的总体方案    4
    3  次口径远程榴弹的结构设计    6
    3.1  弹体设计    6
    3.2  引信    7
    3.3  装药内腔及装药    8
    3.4  弹托结构方案设计    10
    3.5  弹带设计    13
    3.6  尾翼结构设计    14
    3.7  弹丸结构特征量的计算    16
    3.8  整体结构设计小结    18
    4  弹道特性的计算与分析    19
    4.1  内弹道计算    19
    4.2  外弹道计算    25
    4.3  飞行稳定性计算    31
    5  弹托等部分结构件强度的计算与分析    35
    5.1  弹体强度校核    35
    5.2  弹托强度校核    37
    5.3  尾翼强度校核    38
    结 论    42
    致 谢    44
    参考文献    45
    1  引言
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