    关键词  余热回收  热管  热管换热器  工件快速降温通道
    Title   Design of waste heat recovery and utilization
            system for wheel production process
    With the rapid development of science and technology, energy has become an important basis for national economy development. As a kind of second energy, waste heat recycling was proposed in the energy saving plan of “The Ninth Five Plan”, has been extended to the subsequent “The Eleventh Five Plan”, the development has experienced ups and downs. Recently, when the battle of China's energy saving is becoming more and more fiercely, waste heat recovery technology for the efficient utilization of waste heat has gradually seized the people's eyes, and has become the focus all around the world. The drying furnace equipment in the automobile wheel hub coating production line produces a lot of waste heat, at present, the waste heat of flue gas is discharged directly to the workshop in domestic rim production line, which leads to a certain environmental pollution and energy loss.
    In this paper, take the coating production line of Sumec Wheel Co. Ltd in Jiangsu for an example, we made some investigations and researches on the coating production lines of aluminum alloy wheel in the mechanical manufacturing industry. This paper studies the principle of waste heat generation during spray wheel spraying, design the heat pipe components, use the heat pipe heat exchanger as the main parts, and finally design a workpiece cooling passage. At present, there are about 400 wheel rim manufacturing enterprises, therefore, the proposed workpiece cooling passage can also be considered as a useful special equipment for other similar enterprises.
    Keywords  Waste heat recovery  Heat pipe  Heat exchanger  Workpiece cooling passage
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究背景和意义    1
    1.2  热管技术国内外研究现状    1
    1.3  论文主要内容    6
    2 热管    7
    2.1  热管的工作原理    7
    2.2  热管的种类    8
    2.2.1  根据凝液回流方式分    8
    2.2.2  按外壳的几何形状或其它特性来分    10
    2.2.3  按传热的方向来分    11
    2.2.4 按热管的工作温度来分    12
    2.2.5  工质和管壳材料    12
    2.3  热管的特点    12
    2.4  热管的传热极限    13
    2.4.1  毛细限    13
    2.4.2  声速限    13
    2.4.3  携带限    14
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