    摘要弹道摆实验装置用于测量火箭发动机的比冲量。用四根钢索将摆锤悬挂在横梁的轴上,轴的两端用滚珠轴承支撑,摆锤可沿一定方向自由摆动,发动机的总冲量决定摆锤摆动的角度。在发动机点火试验后,记录摆弧的长度可计算出该次试验发动机的总冲量。在实际的计算中,一般假定摆锤摆动的角度足够小( ),这样可以 近似地认为 。当钢索长度和摆锤质量确定后,若摆锤摆动的角度达到或者超过10°,适当增加摆锤的质量可以减小摆角。本课题设计了一种具有摆重可调、周期自动测量功能的弹道摆。摆锤上设有一个可添加砝码的载物装置,摆重在50~200kg范围内可调。摆锤用751根钢索悬挂于钢梁的轴上,添加的两根钢索交错连接,增加摆动方向的稳定性。此外,通过传感器和计算机软件的运用完成弹道摆实验数据的自动测量采集。30463
    关键词  弹道摆  比冲  摆重可调   周期自动测量
    Title    The design of ballistic pendulum test device                                                                     
    Ballistic pendulum test system is mainly consist of steel frame, beam, frame, a pendulum, the swing arc recording device and a pulley frame and sensor measuring device.Generally,the pendulum is hang in the beam and both ends of the beam is
    supported by ball bearing.The pendulum can swing freely along certain direction.
    The angle of the pendulum is determined by the total impulse of the rocket motor which can be calculated by the length of the pendulum recorded during the experiment.In the actual calculation, the pendulum is generally assumed to be small enough so that we can replace   with   in the calculation and make it easier to get results.I designed a ballistic pendulum test system with automatic measurement device.Also, the weight of the pendulum can be adjusted in 50-200kg.
    The stability of pendulum swing direction is enhanced. And, with the help of sensor technology and computer technology the system can collect data autonomously.
    Keywords  Ballistic pendulum test system  Specific impulse  The pendulum can be adjusted in 50-200kg  Collect data autonomously
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  研究现状    2
    1.3  工作内容简介    3
    2  测试系统的组成及基本原理    5
    2.1  弹道摆测试系统的组成    5
    2.2  测试系统的基本原理    5
    机械系统设计    13
    3.1  钢架    13
    3.2  钢丝绳    13
    3.3  横轴    15
    3.4  摆锤    17
    4  测试系统的设计    19
    4.1  测试系统的构成    19
    4.2  测试系统仪器仪表的选择指标    19
    4.3  发动机工作压力的测量    20
    4.4  摆锤摆角的测量    23
    5  数据采集与处理    25
    5.1  自动检测技术的发展    25
    5.2  虚拟仪器系统简介    25
    5.3  典型数据采集系统    25
    5.4  选择数据采集卡    26
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