    最后对关键器件电爆炸金属丝进行了电爆炸实验研究,在充电电压为5kV时,电爆炸金属丝的切断时间约为15.5 ,两端电压峰值提高至24.5kV,爆炸电阻约为初始阻值的236倍。实验结果与仿真结果相近,电压峰值误差在11%左右,验证了电爆炸金属丝仿真模型的合理性。
    关键词  电磁脉冲弹  高功率  脉冲调制  电感储能  电爆炸丝
    Title   The research of pulse modulation network that
       applies to Electromagnetic pulse cannonball     
    Pulse modulation system is an important part of the electromagnetic pulse warhead,  but the traditional pulse modulation system is heavy and has large volume.These have restricted the development of the electromagnetic pulse warhead.In this thesis,tudy the pulse modulation of network which is applicable to electromagnetic pulse ammunition,through theoretical analysis,numerical calculation, simulation modeling and experimental study method.

    First,electromagnetic pulse ammunition environment on pulse modulation system is analyzed in the aspects of reliability, mass and volume requirements, and on this basis, compares the different pulse modulation mode in the applicability of the ammunition environment, demonstrate the inductance energy storage pulse modulation method is suitable for application in electromagnetic pulse ammunition.

    Second, establish the PSpice model of the electric exploding opening switch(EEOS) which is the key component in inductive energy storage pulse modulation mode , analyze the simulation of EEOS in detail, When the charging voltage is 5kV, the peak voltage of both ens are up to 27.2 kV. And on the basis of the simulation model ,simulate and calculate the whole pulse modulation circuit with explosive flux compression generator being the initial pulse source in the front, electromagnetic pulse antenna as the load at the end, Simulation result is: the initial pulse modulated by the modulation circuit, the output peak power by about 16 times, energy output input ratio is about 8.25%.
    Finally, do the electrical explosion experiment study of EEOS.When the charging voltage is 5kV, the cut off time of EEOS is about 15.5 , the peak voltage of both ens are up to 24.5 kV, explosion resistance is about 236 times of the initial value.Experimental results and the simulation results are similar , the error of peak voltage is about 11%, the rationality of the EEOS simulation model is verified.
    Simulation model and experimental results of this thesis can be the reference to the electromagnetic pulse ammunition’s pulse modulation scheme which uses inductance as energy storing element.
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