    关键词:  Matlab  Simulink  汽车悬架   优化设计
    Title  Certain off-road vehicle suspension system design  - Double wishbone torsion bar spring independent  
              suspension performance MatchingAbstract
    With the continuous development of the automotive industry and the continuous improvement of living conditions,people have increased their requirements for the automotive,and there is a growing emphasis on the comfort of vehicle. One car's comfort and it’s suspension system are inextricably linked, and this requires automotive designers to put more attention on designing and optimizing the suspension system.Based on the specific structure of the automobile suspension, a vehicle suspension model of four degrees of freedom and pavement model of C-class road are established.The suspension system is simulated using Matlab/Simulink Dynamic Simulation Technology. The performance of the vehicle and the suspension which is output finally is raised by modifying the parameters of automotive suspension. Thus the optimization of the suspension system is finished,and it can provide a certain reference for the design of the structure of the suspension.
    Keywords:  Matlab  Simulink  suspension   optimization
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  研究双横臂独立悬架的重要性    1
    1.2  某型越野车双横臂扭杆弹簧独立悬架性能匹配研究的目的和意义    2
    1.3  汽车悬架系统性能参数优化匹配研究的现状以及发展趋势    4
    1.4  汽车悬架系统性能参数优化匹配设计理论基础及方法概述    4
    1.5  MATLAB语言简介    5
    2  汽车悬架系统性能参数优化匹配数学仿真模型的建立    1
    2.1  悬架系统动力学方程的建立    1
    2.2  二分之一车辆悬架系统Simulink仿真模型的建立    4
    3  随机路面仿真模型的建立    8
    3.1  随机路面不平度输入基础    8
    3.2  Simulink中路面不平度输入模型的建立    9
    4  车辆悬架的仿真研究以及性能匹配    11
    4.1  评价车辆悬架性能优劣的指标选择    11
    4.2  汽车悬架系统的各性能参数的确定    11
    4.3  汽车悬架系统的仿真分析    12
    4.4  汽车悬架系统的优化设计    15
    结  论    22
    致  谢    23
    1  引言
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