    Title      Modeling and Expression of Virtual Feedback  Force towards Teleoperation Robot       
    Teleoperation technology can be used to instruct robots work,where human beings can not enter,for instance, the hazardous mine and the high-temperature environments. For improving the level of teleoperation system, a new technology called telepresence technology tightly related to the interaction technology has been put forward. According to the feedback information of teleoperation system, the operator can feel the interaction between the robot and the surrounding objects or the environment directly, thus improving the quality and speed of the teleoperation work.
    The thesis summarizes the character of the telepresence technology and its research development, builds the geometry modeling of the environment and reemerges the real situation.3D model of all parts of the robot has been built and assembled. The kinematics of the mechanical arm was analyzed according to the structural characteristic and the kinematics constraints. Thus, building the positive motion model and inverse kinematic model to control the movement of the robot arm in real time. The force can be calculated by setting the micro displacement. The virtual environment with good man-machine interactive features is designed by applying C++ and OpenGL language.
    Keywords:Telepresence Technology;Geometric Modeling;Kinematics Analysis;Virtual Environment
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  临场感技术概述    1
    1.2  国内外研究动态    2
    1.2.1  国外研究水平    2
    1.2.2  国内研究水平    2
    1.3  本文研究内容和目的    3
    2  系统总体设计    5
    2.1  显示模块    5
    2.2  控制模块    6
    3  机械手臂和环境的几何学建模    7
    3.1  机械手臂的几何学建模    7
    3.1.1  建模流程    7
    3.1.2  构件的SolidWorks模型建立    7
    3.1.3  文件格式转化    8
    3.1.4  局部坐标系    8
    3.1.5  模型绘制    9
    3.1.6  组装模型    9
    3.2  环境的几何建模    9
    3.2.1  生成地形网格    10
    3.2.2  Catmull-Rom插值算法    10
    3.2.3  纹理映射    11
    3.2.4  纹理读取函数    11
    3.3  本章小结    11
    4  机械手臂的运动学分析    12
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