    摘要:塑料注射机又称为注射成型机或简称为注射机。塑料注射机通常是由注射装置、合模装置、液压传动系统、电气控制系统、润滑系统、加热及冷却系统以及安全监测系统等组成。它是将热塑性塑料或热固性料利用塑料成型模具制成各种形状的塑料产品的主要成型设备。塑料注射机按照注射装置和锁模装置的排列方式来区分,可分为立式、卧式和立卧复合式。塑料注射机是塑料加工业中使用范围最为广泛的加工机器,不仅有大量的产品可以通过塑料注射机进行直接生产,而且它还是组成许多工艺的关键设备。中国已成为世界塑料注射机生产的第一大国,促进中国塑料注射机设备制造业发展的原因主要在于:  1 .与国际著名企业进行合资及技术合作;2.国企业逐渐适应了机械零部件的国际釆购方式,掌握了良好的釆购渠道。同时,我国塑料注射机的生产还呈现出很明显的区域特色,浙江的宁波和广东的东莞等地,已经成为我国以及全世界的重要塑料注射生产基地。29291
    The mechanical system of injection machine design
    Abstract:Injection molding machine and injection molding machine and injection machine, many factories called PI JI, injection molding products is called PI JIAN. It is the thermoplastic or thermosetting material using plastic molding mold made into various shapes of plastic products mainly molding equipment. Injection molding machine according to the injection device and clamping device arrangement, can be pided into vertical, horizontal and vertical lie compound.Injection molding machine is one of the largest processing machinery, plastic processing industry in the usage not only have a large number of products available injection molding machine production directly, but also of note, blowing process of key equipment. China has become the world's largest country in machines in PCS/sets of production, the reason: to promote the development of China's injection molding machine equipment manufacturing is a joint venture with international famous enterprises and technological cooperation; Second, Chinese enterprises gradually adapted to the mechanical parts adopt international purchase way, mastered the as purchase channels. At the same time, the production of the injection molding machine of our country present a strong regional features, Ningbo in Zhejiang province and Guangdong Dongguan and other places, has become China's important production base of injection molding machine and the world.
    Key Words:injection molding machine;clamping device;injection unit
    1 引言    1
    1.1  课题的意义    1
    1.2  课题的目的    1
    1.3  课题的研究范围    2
    1.4  课题要达到的技术要求    2
    1.4.1  注射压力    2
    1.4.2  锁模力    3
    1.5  国内外的发展概况及存在的问题    3
    1.5.1  我国塑料注射机的发展现状和发展前景    3
    1.5.2  国内外塑料注射机的差距    4
    1.6  课题的难点    4
    2 塑料注射机的简介    6
    2.1  塑料注射机的概述    6
    2.2  塑料注射机的分类    6
    2.3  塑料注射机的工作原理    7
    2.4  塑料注射机的结构组成    8
    2.4.1  注射装置    8
    2.4.2  合模装置    10
    2.4.3  调模装置    12
    2.4.4  顶出装置    13
    2.4.5  开模装置    13
    2.5  注射成型机的单元操作    13
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