    关键词  车用空气净化装置  内循环  外循环  实用环保
    Title   Structure design of air purification equipment for vehicle                                          
    The structure design of the car air purification device in the subject,is designed for a small bus with a set of intelligent detection and control functions,external circulation is used to be ventilation to air inside the car,and internal circulation purification and escape function in one of the environmental protection intelligent skylight,is the effective way to solve air pollution in car. In the subject ,according to the air exchange quantity of the fresh air inside the bus,the circulation and the outer circulating air duct of the purification device are calculated,determine duct dimensions and appearance shapes,used to determine the installation position,used 3D modeling software to modeling,and used 2D graphics software complete the 2D engineering drawings.Finally,complete 3D model assembly,and strength check to key parts.So then improve automation,intelligent level and practical validity of the environmental intelligence skylight.Realize the full purification of air in the car and save space of the car,improvement environmental protection and practical performance of the passenger car overally.
    Keywords  Air purification equipment for vehicle    internal circulation    External circulation    Practical and environmental protection
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  课题背景及研究意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    2
    1.3  课题研究内容    3
    2  车用空气净化装置的总体设计    5
    2.1  内循环出风口与回风口的形状与大小设计    5
    2.2  外循环通风口的形状与大小设计    7
    2.3  车用空气净化装置零部件设计    8
    2.3.1  风机    8
    2.3.2  净化装置    9
    2.3.3  内循环风道    10
    2.3.4  逃生通道标志    11
    2.3.5  内循环回风口与出风口    12
    2.3.6  外循环风道    13
    2.3.7  顶盖    15
    2.3.8  上支承    16
    2.3.9  下支承    16
    2.3.10  密封橡胶条    17
    2.3.11  部件圆角    17
    3  车用空气净化装置的有限元分析与流场动力学分析    19
    3.1  车用空气净化装置材料的选定及性能介绍    19
    3.2  车用空气净化装置的有限元分析    20
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