    关键词:  冲锋枪  警用  模块化  多用途  总体设计
    Title    Analysis and design of a police submachine gun   
    Police submachine gun is a repeating firearms holding with two hands, firing Pistol Ammo. Its tactical role between the pistol and rifle, with firepower, power moderate, short form features.It can make a warhead stay on target in the body, indeed the knockdown of target, and can prevent the ricochet or excessive through to prevent harm the hostages or friendly .It’s suitable for special combat environment very much. So the police submachine gun plays an important role in the war against terrorism. The modular weapon is the big direction of the world automatic weapon development, have great development potential and advantage. Will be modular applications in police submachine gun design can realize police weapons, multi-function, multi use and adapt to a variety of special operation conditions. This paper has completed the design and calculation of internal ballistics, the mass of the bolt and barrel recoil spring etc. According to the results of design calculation, the 2D drawings and assembly drawings of parts are drawn, and the 3D model is created.
    Keywords  Submachine gun  Police  Modular weapon  Multipurpose  Overall design
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    2  战术技术指标及总体设计    4
    2.1  战术技术指标    4
    2.2  冲锋枪的模块化设计    5
    2.3  其他部分方案    9
    3  枪管设计    12
    3.1  枪管设计要求    12
    3.2  枪管外部结构设计    12
    3.3  枪管内膛结构设计    13
    3.4  枪管管壁强度设计    17
    4  闭锁机构设计    19
    4.1  设计要求    19
    4.2  自由式枪机    19
    4.3  复进簧设计    25
    5  退壳机构设计    28
    5.1  退壳机构设计要求    28
    5.2  抽壳阻力    28
    5.3  抽壳机构结构设计    29
    6  击发机构设计    30
    6.1  击发机构设计要求    30
    6.2  击发机构类型和结构的确定    30
    6.3  击发机构结构设计    30
    7  发射机构设计    32
    8  面向人机功效的枪械设计    34
    8.1  总体设计    34
    8.2  部件设计    34
    结论    35
    致谢    36
    参考文献    37
    1  引言
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