    关键词  冲压模具设计  结构件  Pro/E  仿真  
    Title  Stamping die design and forming simulation of the  Automobile parts                                 
    Many structure parts of automobile are sheet metal parts, this topic researches on designing a stamping die and forming simulation of the automobile parts. First complete automobile structural parts of the stamping process design, using the DYNAFORM software to simulate and analyze the molding process, accurate prediction the forming process, Thickness variation, strain of sheet metal, so as to provide the best plan for die design. Second, using the Pro/E software to design the punch and die, positioning device and discharge device structure, complete the whole mold assembly. considering to the automobile structural parts of the shape, size, technical requirements, error and Simulation of forming parameters, and according to the basic steps of mold design and reference design standard to finish all the design of automobile parts stamping die. Finally, draw the general assembly drawing and parts of engineering drawings.
    Keywords  Stamping die design   Structure parts   PRO/ENGINEER    Simulation
    1  绪论    1
    1.1 钣金加工与冲压模具    1
    1.1.1  钣金加工    1
    1.1.2  冲压模具    1
    1.2 研究背景    2
    1.3 研究内容    2
    1.4 研究方法    2
    2 冲压件工艺分析和工艺过程设计    4
    2.1 冲压件材料的选择    4
    2.2 冲压件的尺寸精度与公差    5
    2.3 冲压件的结构工艺特性    5
    2.4 冲压件工艺过程设计    5
    2.5 冲压件拉深工艺计算    5
    2.5.1 确定修边余量    5
    2.5.2 确定拉深次数    5
    2.5.3 毛坯尺寸确定    6
    2.5.4 拉深系数的确定    6
    2.5.5 压边力的计算    6
    2.5.6 压力机吨位的选择    7
    3  冲压成型仿真分析    8
    3.1 Dynaform软件简介    8
    3.2 冲压件仿真分析的具体步骤与方法    8
    3.2.1 建立冲压件的几何模型    9
    3.2.2 Dynaform 前处理    9
    3.2.3 网格划分    10
    3.2.4 网格检查    11
    3.2.5 定义冲压方向    13
    3.2.6 毛坯展开    13
    3.2.7 毛坯排样设计    15
    3.2.8 启动后处理    17
    4 模具设计计算    21
    4.1 凸、凹模尺寸计算    21
    4.1.1 凸、凹模圆角半径的确定    21
    4.1.2 凸、凹模间隙计算    21
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