    关键词  火炮  多站  气象数据  弹道特性
    Title multi-station high-altitude meteorological data to large-caliber long-range artillery ballistic characteristics analysis                                 
    Before the 1960s, mostly due to the artillery range 15 ~ 25km, artillery positioning and other technical standards are not high, the proportion of meteorological factors accounted acceptable. However, with the development and use of weapons and basic theory, weapons and equipment, weapons development and performance of various test equipment, artillery range greatly improved, reducing the proportion accounted for other factors, so that the proportion of meteorological factors accounted for the increase, already It can not be ignored. The issue with a large-caliber long-range artillery for the research object, flight dynamics model of six degrees of freedom by establishing a projectile trajectory equation, using a single-step Runge-Kutta method, the calculated impact point in the solution, on the basis of speed, through research the numerical analysis of single and multi-station weather station data to multiple weather stations layout program, the use of meteorological data and other multi-station their ballistic characteristics (range, cornering, flight stability, etc.), and for large diameter remote Development shells provide a reference.
    Keywords  Artillery  Multistation   Meteorological data 
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究背景    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    2
    1.3  减小气象保障时空影响的措施    3
    1.4  未来发展趋势及前景    4
    1.5  本课题主要任务    4
    1.6  本章小结    5
    2  相关基础知识储备    6
    2.1  气象条件预备知识    6
    2.2  空气动力学预备知识    8
    2.3  外弹道学预备知识    10
    2.4  气象诸元随高度变化预备知识    12
    2.5本章小结    14
    3.课题中理论分析    15
    3.1 微分方程的求解    15
    3.2 751自由度弹道方程    15
    3.3 单站和多站气象诸元对弹道特性的影响分析    21
    3.4 本章小结    23
    4  数据分析    25
    4.1 不同气象数据方案对弹道落点计算的差异情况    25
    4.2 数据结果分析    28
    结  论    30
    致  谢    31
    1  绪论
    1.1  课题研究背景
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