    Auto Brake Caliper Processing Craft and Equipment Design
    Abstract:The brake clamp is an important part of the automobile brake system, which has the decisive function.Brake caliper brake effect directly affects that the vehicle at high speed when the driver hit the brakes is effective for automobile braking force.In recent years, due to the rapid development of China's auto industry, the demand for brake caliper has increased year by year.Therefore, the main research of this graduation design is the automobile brake clamp processing craft and the equipment design.Through the design and analysis to obtain a reasonable design scheme to meet the future market demand of mass production and processing.The main purpose of this graduation design is to develop a series of reasonable processing plan and related special tools through the analysis of the machining process of the parts.In machining, using the NC machining center, according to the characteristics and differences of products,it can change processing scheme, to the maximum extent saving assembly line processing time, while also reducing the number of machine tool.In the design of the special tool, according to each procedure request to design a special tool.This paper focuses on the design of the processing technology and the equipment of the brake clamp, and analyzes the method of the process parts.
    Keywords: brake caliper; processing centre; craft; tool
    1 绪论1
    1.1 汽车制动钳概述1
    1.2 汽车制动钳工作原理1
    1.3 汽车制动钳国内外发展趋势2
    1.4 国内外制动钳制造加工概况2
    2 制动钳体零件分析5
      2.1 零件的作用5
    2.2 零件的工艺分析5
        2.2.1 零件的结构特点5
        2.2.2 工件主要加工尺寸和加工表面分析6
    3 制动钳毛坯工艺分析11
    3.1 确定毛坯的铸造材料11
    3.2 压型和型芯方法的确定11
    3.3 熔模材料的选取11
    3.4 设计浇注系统及确定分型面12
    3.5 铸造工艺参数13
    3.5.1 铸件最小壁厚13
    3.5.2 铸造圆角13
    3.5.3 收缩率14
    3.5.4 模样的拔模斜度15
    3.6 机加工余量、零件毛坯尺寸的确定15
    4 制动钳机械加工工艺及装备设计16
    4.1 制动钳机加工方案选择16
    4.1.1 流水线通用机床加工16
    4.1.2 专用机床加工16
    4.1.3 加工中心加工16
    4.1.4 机床选用方案确定16
    4.2 制动钳机加工工艺方案选择17
    4.2.1 工艺方案一17
    4.2.2 工艺方案二18
    4.2.3 工艺方案比较分析18
    4.3 基准面的选择22
    4.4 制动钳零件加工工步分析23
    4.4.1 主要工步的工序尺寸确定23
    4.4.2 主要工步的切削用量确定26
    4.5 刀具的设计27
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