    CNC machining center disc tools library design
    Abstract:Tool storage is one of the main components of the automatically-trading-knife installment. Its capacity, position and structure have great influence to the design of the machining centre.
    16-tool tool storage is widely used in the machining centre. Based on the situation and requirement the 16-tool used, the disc-style tool storage of the 16-tool is designed and some research about its control is made in this paper.
    The paper illustrates the design project of the 16-tool tool storage firstly, and then explains its operation principle, and at last calculates and designs the structure and control of the tool storage separately by chapters.
    This paper completed the overall design, transmission design, structure design and the transmission part's movement and dynamic design of the disc tool house. Such a tool house in the CNC Machining Center is widely used, the tool change is simple, tool change time is short, high-precision positioning; overall structure is simple and compact. Action is accurate and reliable; convenient maintenance and low cost. The slowdown part in the transmission of the tool house includes two parts, the first part of the transmission is gear deceleration device, the second transmission part of the transmission is Worm Gear deceleration device, such design can increase the output shaft of the transmission smooth performance, improve the smooth functioning of the tool house. The sizes of the worm, worm gear and axis are calculated. The control parts are tool storage delivering parts, which is completed by the hydraulic pressure and PLC control.
    Key words: Machining centers; Tool house; PLC
    1绪论    1
    1.1课题背景    1
    1.2数控机床的发展    2
    1.3刀库    5
    1.3.1刀库换刀装置    5
    1.3.2刀库换刀    6
    1.3.3刀库的类型    6
    2 盘式刀库传动方案和驱动方案    8
    2.1整体传动路线    8
    2.2刀库主要参数    8
    2.3电机的选型    9
    3 盘式刀库整体及部件结构设计    12
    3.1变速机构设计    12
    3.1.1齿轮变速机构    12
    3.1.2蜗轮蜗杆变速机构    16
    3.1.3联轴器连接    22
    3.1.4蜗轮轴的初步估算    24
    3.2蜗杆,蜗轮轴径的设计与校核    24
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