    关键词  制动系统  制动器  匹配   设计
    Title    The matching design of a type of automobile brake system                     
    With the rapid development of automobile industry and highways, the significant of car ownership growth,generated traffic safety issues also lead to further attention of automobile manufacturers and consumers.The automobile braking reliability directly affects the car occupants' safety.The reliability of the brake system is closely related to the relationship of the driving safety.This paper is based on the reference and the analysis of the existing automobile brake technology and research braking system design, from the design requirements, analysis of scheme selection and relevant parts of the design calculation aspects combined with the actual design of a certain type of car braking system to illustrate the design process. Finally, a design method is proposed.Including the selection and design of brake type, selection of the brake hydraulic circuit form,selection of brake master cylinder , determine the synchronous adhesion coefficient, finally discusses the method of braking performance evaluation analysis and checking etc..
    Keywords   Brake system  brake  matching   design
    目 录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  论文研究的背景和意义    1
    1.2  汽车制动系统的国内外研究现状及发展    1
    1.3  制动系统概述    2
    1.4  本文研究内容    2
    2  设计方案分析与选择    4
    2.1汽车制动系统的构成与分类    4
    2.2汽车制动系统的工作原理    5
    2.3制动器的形式分析与选择    5
    2.4液压制动驱动机构的结构形式分析与选择    7
    2.5 液压分路的形式分析与选择    7
    2.6 液压制动主缸选择    8
    3  汽车制动系统的设计计算    10
    3.1汽车整车参数    10
    3.2 同步附着系数的确定    10
    3.3 地面对前、后轮法向反作用力计算    11
    3.4制动器相关参数确定    11
    4  制动驱动机构的设计计算    15
    4.1 前后轮缸直径的计算    15
    4.2制动主缸直径的计算    15
    4.3制动踏板力和踏板工作行程计算    16
    5.1制动性能评价指标    18
    5.2 制动器制动力分配曲线分析    18
    5.3制动减速度和制动距离校核    20
    5.4摩擦衬块的磨损特性计算校核    21
    5.5驻车制动计算    22
    结  论    24
    致  谢    25
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