    关键词  膏体推进剂火箭发动机  管道输运  数值仿真   点火试验
    Title  The simulation and experiment of the past  propellant pipeline                               
    In this paper, under the background of pasty propellant rocket engine applications, the rheological properties of pasty propellant, pipeline transport processes, flow numerical simulation method, ignition engines and gas generator ignition test were studied.
    First, the rheological tests of the paste propellant and three kinds of simulated liquid are carried out, and the elastic properties of the low shear stress are demonstrated. The complex viscosity decreases with the increase of the angular frequency, and shows the shear thinning property. When angular frequency is large, dynamic viscosity id larger than the imaginary viscosity, it showed significant viscous behavior.
    Based on the rheology of propellant, numerical simulation of pipeline transport is carried out. The results showed that: pasty propellant in the pipeline flow profile exhibits a parabolic shape, after the outflow pipe, a significant effect of die swell. The velocity and pressure loss of flow in the pipeline have a lot to the pipe diameter and mass flow rate.
    At the same time, the extrusion of the paste was carried out, and the extrusion flow characteristics were observed and the simulation results were close to the flow property.The ignition test of the ignition engine and the gas generator is carried out, and the operation is normal and the performance is reliable.
    Keywords  pasty propellant  Gas generator   Pipeline transport  Numerical simulation   Ignition experiments
     目   次
    1  引言    2
    1.1  概述    2
    1.2  研究背景及意义    3
    1.4  本文主要工作    7
    2  膏体推进剂流变特性研究    9
    2.1  非牛顿流体流变模型概述    9
    2.2  膏体推进剂流变学测试研究    11
    2.2.1  测试方法与样品    11
    2.2.1  测试结果    14
    2.3  本章小结    16
    3  膏体推进剂管道输运过程数值仿真研究    17
    3.1  几何模型及边界条件    17
    3.2  膏体推进剂数值仿真结果分析    19
    3.2.1流动过程    19
    3.2.2流动速度    20
    3.2.3压力损失    26
    3.3  本章小结    27
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