    摘要随着社会科学技术的发展, 同时为了满足人们越来越密切的远距离跨国交流, 航空技术不断取得新的突破。传统的航空器制造商在寻求一种更加快捷,高效,低成本的飞行器制造模式,来面对日益加剧的市场竞争和市场需求。国内外一些大型的飞机制造商,在不断地探索中,从其他产品的制造中吸取经验的方法,比如汽车制造上的流水线模式,高度的集成化和自动化。 在机械化和自动化高度发展的今天, 充分利用计算机科学技术能极大提高生产效率,降低生产成本。在经过很长时间的研究之后,波音公司在2000 年正式推出其新一代的生产线——脉动装配生产线。这套生产方式以流水线生产方式为参考,充分利用飞机装配的特性和电子计算机技术。为了适应和研究新的生产方式,提出了第三代的机械设计语言和平台,同时利用 DELMIA等仿真模拟软件系统进行设计和优化。本文将探讨DELMIA软件在飞机脉动生产线的平衡仿真问题。 27345
    毕业论文关键词  飞机制造  脉动装配生产线  生产平衡   DELMIA  平衡仿真
    Title    The balance simulation of plan’s  Pulse Assembly Lines          
    Abstract With the development of society, science and  technology, also in order to meet the people more and more close distance transnational communication, aviation technology continue to make new breakthroughs. Traditional aircraft manufacturer in seeking a kind of more convenient, efficient, low cost aircraft manufacturing mode, to face the increasing market competition and market demand. Number of large domestic and foreign aircraft manufacturers, in constant exploration, learning from the experiences of other products manufacturing method, such as automobile manufacturing line model, highly integrated and automation. In today's rapid development of mechanization and automation, make full use of computer science and technology can greatly improve the production efficiency, reduce production costs. In after a long time study, Boeing in 2000 officially launched its new generation of production lines, pulse assembly production line. The production method takes the assembly line production way as the reference, takes the full use of the airplane assembly characteristic and the electronic computer technology. In order to meet the new mode of production and research proposed the third generation of mechanical design language and platform, also using DELMIA simulation software on the system design and optimization.  In this paper, the simulation of the DELMIA software in the aircraft pulsation production line is discussed.   Keywords    Aircraft manufacturing     Pulse assembly line    Production balance  DELMIA   Balance simulation
     1  绪论  .  1
    1.1 脉动装配生产线  .  1
    1.1.1 脉动装配生产线的发展历史  .  1
    1.1.2 脉动装配生产线的特点  .  1
    1.1.3 脉动装配生产线的系统组成  .  2
    1.1.4 脉动装配生产线的发展思考  .  2
    1.2 生产线平衡设计  .  2
    1.2.1 生产线设计  .  3
    1.2.2 生产线平衡  .  3
    1.3 计算机仿真  .  3
    1.3.1 计算机仿真的发展  .  3
    1.4 论文主要内容和结构  .  3
    1.4.1 论文的研究意义  .  3
    1.4.2 论文的主要内容  .  4
    1.5  本章小结    4
    2  生产系统建模与仿真  .  5
    2.1 QUEST简介  .  5
    2.2 QUEST的基本应用  .  6
    2.2.1 QUEST常见模型和要素    6
    2.2.2 基本设备模型的建立步骤  .  7
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