    关键词  单兵式火箭弹 飞行控制器设计  滑模变结构理论
    Title   Inpidual type missile fight control system design of easy sliding             
    Inpidual rocket is made within the chamber gunpowder gas combustion engine soldier get exercise with traditional infantry melee weapons, very suitable for high mobility, a small scale but after its more than effective range accuracy is reduced, and spread can also is very big, in order to improve the flight performance and improve the control precision, it is of great significance on the study of rocket flight controllers. At present about the rockets controller design method has a lot of kinds, the sliding mode variable structure system is not influenced by system perturbation and external disturbances, the advantages of based on high precision attitude control and control requirement of the angular velocity constraints, this paper choose the sliding mode variable structure control method to explore the attitude controller design of rocket. Aircraft longitudinal channel control, for example, we establish a overload for the control of quantity control system, using MATLAB to build inpidual type rocket system model, and finally simulated in Simulink environment, through the simulation analysis results we know that the controller has good effectiveness, meet the requirements of high precision control, the verification based on sliding mode variable structure theory to design the flight controller is feasible.
    Keywords  Rocket soldier, Flight controller design ,Sliding mode
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  火箭弹飞行控制的目的、背景及意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究概况及发展趋势    1
    1.3  本课题的科研任务    3
    1.4  拟采用的研究手段(途径)    4
    1.5  本章小结    5
    2  火箭弹数学模型的建立与计算    6
    2.1  气动参数    6
    2.2  坐标系的定义及转换    7
    2.3  建立单兵式火箭弹数学模型    10
    2.3.1  动力学方程    10
    2.3.2  运动学方程    13
    2.3.3  火箭弹纵向运动的方程组    14
    3  滑模控制的基本原理    15
    3.1 滑模变结构控制的基本概念    16
    3.2 滑模变结构控制的基本定义    17
    3.2.1 基本定义    17
    3.2.2 趋近律    18
    2.3 滑模变结构控制的设计    18
    3.4 本章小结    19
    4  基于滑模变结构理论的飞行器控制系统设计    20
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