    关键词  发射机构  可靠性  平移式  模块化  新结构
    Title    A New Fire Mechanism of Automatic Rifle         
    Under the rapid development of modern rifle, shooting performance is not the only one basis to judge whether a firearm is good or not. Designers and users pay more attention to service firearms, portability and ergonomics than ever.The issue of reliability as the main research direction is proposed and designed a new pan-type firing mechanism, as part of the new rifle. Using the same modular concept as G36 rifle, the firing mechanism is placed in the transmitter housing, and grip one, can be separated from the casing independently for easy dismantling and replacement parts. This paper includes analysis of the principles of organization, the formulation design of the trigger, sear and other parts of the structure and size, as well as the design parameters of the spring and the simple geometric interference test.
    Keywords  trigger mechanism  reliability  translation type   modularization  new structure
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  小口径步枪的发展现状    1
    1.2  国内发射机构的发展现状    1
    1.3  平移式击发结构的发展现状    2
    1.4  对点射机构的应用的分析    3
    1.5  本课题要研究或解决的问题和拟采用的研究手段    4
    2  总体方案设计    5
    2.1  战术技术指标    5
    2.2  各机构类型的选择    5
    2.3  人机工效设计    6
    3  发射机构的工作原理分析    7
    4  发射机构的结构设计    9
    4.1  零件的设计    9
    4.1.1  扳机    9
    4.1.2  单发阻铁    10
    4.1.3  回转式杆    10
    4.1.4  阻铁杆    12
    4.1.5  快慢机    12
    4.1.6  不到位保险    14
    4.2  发射机座的设计    15
    4.3  握把的设计    15
    4.4  与机匣等部件总体配合的设计与改动    16
    4.4.1  连接方式    16
    4.4.2  回转式杆的改动    17
    4.4.3  不到位保险与枪机框保险凸笋的设计    18
    5  发射机构的弹簧的设计    19
    6  发射机构的几何干涉检验    22
    6.1  准备工作    22
    6.2  保险状态    23
    6.3  连发状态    24
    6.4  单发状态    27
    结  论    28
    致  谢    29
    1  绪论
    1.1  小口径步枪的发展现状
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