    毕业论文关键词 巡航导弹 固体火箭助推器 点火过程 数值模拟
    Title Numerical study of ignition process in the solid rocket booster of a cruise missile
    Solid rocket motor has advantages of simple structure, convenient maintenance ,high reliability,etc.So it has been adapted in most of the modern cruise missile.The ignition process is of great importance to the performance of solid rocket motor and the booster , this paper simulated the ignition process of a cruise missile,it provided theory and technology support to the designation of the solid rocket booster.Through simplifying the physics process of ignition ,compressible flow equation and solid phase ignition theory based simulation model was established. To analyze the flow of powder gas in combustion chamber under different ignition pressure,firstly the process of combustion of propellant was neglected,then the distribution of physical quantities in combustion chamber was got. Secondly, the ignition process considering the combustion of propellant was simulated. The distribution of physical quantities in the combustion chamber especially the rise of pressure were shown.Results showed ignition pressure has great influence on the flow of powder gas ,establishment of pressure filed and the shock of pressure wave in combustion chamber. When the combustion of propellant was considered,the propellant was ignited in a shorter time. So suitable design of an ignition system is great important to the solid rocket booster.
    Keywords cruise missile solid rocket booster ignition process numerical study
    目 次
    1 绪论 1
    1.1 研究背景及意义. 1
    1.2 国内外研究现状. 1
    1.3 本文研究内容及手段. 3
    2 SRB点火机理及过程. 4
    2.1 SRM的点火机理4
    2.2 点火药燃烧产物沿着燃气通道传播并传递能量. 6
    2.3 装药的局部点燃. 7
    2.4 火焰在装药表面的传播. 8
    2.5 燃烧室压力的形成. 9
    2.6 本章小结. 10
    3 SRB点火的数学物理模型11
    3.1 SRB的物理模型.11
    3.2 SRB点火过程控制方程.11
    3.3 数值求解方法. 12
    3.4 本章小结. 17
    4 SRB燃气传播过程仿真分析. 18
    4.1 点火药燃气流动仿真的初始条件和边界条件. 18
    4.2 计算模型. 19
    4.3 仿真结果. 21
    4.4 仿真分析. 30
    4.5 本章小结. 34
    5 SRB点火过程仿真分析. 36
    5.1 加质量流动源项的处理. 36
    5.2 初始条件和边界条件. 36
    5.3 仿真结果. 37
    5.4 本章小结. 41
    结论 42
    致谢 43
    参考文献 44
    1 绪论
    1.1 研究背景及意义
    巡航导弹,又被称为飞航导弹,这种导弹通常以不太高的马赫数(一般为 1Ma左右)飞
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