    Title  Lethality calculate of 105mm Forward Enhanced Lethal HE projectile
    In order to improve the efficiency of warhead fragment damage the target, the forward enhanced lethal HE projectile,which can produce performed fragments of common grenade. Both yet, it can produce an area of fragment in front of shell.
    This text built up finite element model of 150mm forward enhanced lethal HE projectile by LS-DYNA. Use the way of numerical analogy to simulation the projectile whose explosion wave have an operation on 15mm homogeneous steel target, fragment spray and body perforate 160mm and 240mm concrete target. After analysis of result, the deflection of the 15mm homogeneous steel target is 21mm. Velocity of the fragment on the head is 1200m/s, velocity of the fragment on the arc is 600m/s. The residual velocity of the projectile penetration 160mm concrete target is 648m/s , the crater apparent diameter of the target is 226.5mm. The residual velocity of the projectile penetration 240mm concrete target is 630m/s, the crater apparent diameter of the target is 287.5mm.
    Keywords  LS-DYNA; numerical analogy; explosion; fragment spray; penetration
    目   录
     1 引言    1
    1.1 国内外研究现状    1
    1.1.1 简介    1
    1.1.2 国内研究现状    1
    1.1.3 国外研究现状    2
    1.2 目前国内外常用方法    2
    1.3 105mm前向增强型杀伤榴弹的特点    3
    1.4 软件介绍    3
    1.4.1ANSYS/LS-DYNA仿真软件介绍    4
    1.4.2算法介绍    4
    1.5 本课题要研究或解决的问题和拟采用的研究手段    5
    2 仿真计算模型    6
    2.1 有限元计算模型    6
    2.1.1 弹丸建模的组成    6
    2.2材料模型与参数    6
    2.2.1 Johnson-cook模型    6
    2.2.2 空气方程    11
    2.3 本章小结    11
    3炸药爆炸对15mm厚均质钢靶的作用    12
    3.1数值仿真算法    12
    3.2模拟爆炸过程的有限元建模及网格划分    12
    3.3数值仿真结果分析    13
    3.3.1靶板应力云分布图    13
    3.3.2迎爆面应力曲线图    14
    3.3.3爆炸对钢板作用分析    15
    3.3.4爆炸冲击波传播过程分析    16
    3.4本章小结    17
    4前置破片飞散计算    18
    4.1破片飞散有限元计算模型    18
    4.1.1破片飞散有限元模型建立及参数设定    18
    4.2破片飞散计算结果    18
    4.2.1轴向预制破片驱动过程    18
    4.2.2破片速度历程曲线    19
    4.3头部结构对破片飞散的影响研究    20
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