    关键词  机械手 搬运 气动 助力 轮毂 平衡吊
    Title  The analysis and optimization of rim manufacturing system
    ---- Machining unit Loading/Unloading pneumatic manipulator  
    With the development of science and technology, some semi-automated machinery and equipment were gradually applied into the factory to assist the workers, the use of these devices can not only reduce the labor intensity, but also improve the productivity.
    Our research group was commissioned by Yangzhou SUMEC Co. Ltd,responsible for designing a pneumatic hub handling manipulator for their NC workshop, the manipulator of the lifting part and the clamp part are controlled by pneumatic components, and it is possessed of flip angle function, it is easy to be adjusted of the angle in the hub shifting process. On the basis of in-depth research of hub NC turning workshop of SUMEC, the paper propose various design programs of pneumatic manipulator,and select a most suitable program to design in detail. Finally, develop the prototype.
    Keywords  power-assisted pneumatic manipulator wheel rim machining
    目   次
    1 绪论    I
    1.1 课题背景及意义    I
    1.1.1 研究背景    I
    1.1.2 课题来源及选题意义    II
    1.2 气动助力机械手技术及其特点    II
    1.3 气动技术发展历程及国内外应用现状    III
    1.4 本论文的主要内容    IV
    2 气动助力机械手的总体设计    1
    2.1 课题的设计要求    1
    2.1.1 现场加工流程概况    1
    2.1.2 相关参数要求及特殊功能    3
    2.1.3 现场相关数据    4
    2.1.4 加工现场相关图片及三文示意图    4
    2.2 气动助力机械手的主体设计    5
    2.2.1 助力机械手本体    5
    2.2.2 末端执行机构    8
    2.3 助力臂的气动平衡系统设计    10
    3 助力机械手的主体设计    1
    3.1 手爪、手腕的选择    1
    3.2 平衡梁设计    4
    3.3 延长臂的设计    5
    3.4 支撑架的设计    6
    3.5 支柱部分的设计    7
    3.5.1 支柱钢管的设计    7
    3.5.2 支柱联接法兰的设计    11
    3.5.3 底座、加强筋以及地脚螺栓安装的设计    13
    3.6 传动与驱动部分的设计    15
    3.6.1 传动部分的设想    15
    3.6.2 传动部分关节的设计    16
    3.6.3 回转支承轴承的选型    18
    3.6.4 其他轴承的选型    20
    3.7 气动助力机械臂三文装配图    21
    4 气动平衡系统的设计    1
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