    摘要:谐波传动技术是一种新型的利用薄性壳体弹性变形的技术,现己广泛应用于航空航天、能源、通信、先进机床、机器人等众多领域。本文围绕机器人手臂关节中普遍使用的谐波齿轮传动减速器的传动方案、传动参数、整体结构 、运动精度、关键零部件的刚度与强度展开设计与分析,并最终完成减速器的二文和三文实体装配图以及零件二文工作图的设计,同时还对精密谐波齿轮传动装置的啮合运动进行仿真从而避免齿廓干涉。本文对谐波传动运动精度的研究非常有利于对影响因素的参数优化,从而提高实际传动精度,促进其他装置的精度研究。文章提出的研究方法与设计结果为谐波传动的结构设计改进以及传动参数的优化设计提供了新思路。26670
    关键词:  谐波传动;   机器人;   刚度;   强度;  运动精度;   仿真
    Title    The Design And Analysis Of The Accuracy Harmonic Gear Drive Used in The Industrial robot joint                                                                                                           
    Harmonic  drive is a highly efficient drive technology which is based on the elastic deformation of the shell. It has now widely used in many fields of aerospace, energy, communications, advanced machine tools, robots and the other. This paper focuses on the design and analysis of the robot harmonic drive program,parameters, structure, movement precision accuracy, rigidity and strength with the key components. Finally this paper completes not only the design of the two-dimensional and three-dimensional assembly drawing but also the parts work plan.Insides,it simulates to the engagement movement of the precision harmonic gear tooth profile in order  to avoid interference. The current work is useful to improve transmission accuracy and parameter optimization of harmonic gear drive as weg as beneficial to the research on other high accuracy mechanical drives.The research methods and results provide new ideas for structure improvement of harmonic gear drive.
    Keywords: harmonic  drive;    robot;    rigidity;   strength; transmission accuracy;  simulate
    目   次    
      1 引言    1
    1.1  课题背景    1
    1.2谐波传动原理分析    1
    1.3 谐波传动的特点    1
    1.4 谐波传动的国内外研究现状及发展趋势    2
    1.5 课题主要研究内容和要求    3
    2 谐波传动装置的设计与分析    4
    2.1 设计任务    4
    2.2 谐波传动装置的总体方案设计    4
    2.3 齿轮传动参数设计    6
    2.4 谐波传动各零部件的结构设计和机械臂整体设计    7
    2.5 谐波传动润滑剂和密封机构的选择    15
    2.6 驱动电机选择    15
    2.7 柔轮强度分析    16
    3 谐波齿轮传动啮合运动的干涉分析和仿真研究    18
    3.1 啮合运动干涉分析    18
    3.2 谐波齿轮传动的Matlab啮合运动仿真    20
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