    毕业论文关键词  四辊卷板机  三文设计   优化结构    性能分析 
    Title  Three-dimensional design and performance analysis of four-roll bending machine                    
    For metals with large material thickness,if you want to get round,rolling arc,conical structure by rolling,four-roll bending machine is a  great suitable means .there are some distinctive features,such as preflex at the end of sheet material to avoid the circumstance of not aligned at both ends when welding;High efficiency and less remaining part at the end of sheet material;By using its self function,to adjust the sheet material probably,it’s incomparable for two or three roller bending machine. The research and solution point of my graduation design is ,By investigate the research condition of four-roll bending machine at home and aboard, designing and calculating the mechanical structure,analysing the property of key component,to process sheet material thickness 60 mm,length 2000 mm.
    This paper completed by four steps ,first of all,On the base of knowing the existing structure and theory of four-roll bending machine at home and aboard,I've summarized and analyzed it to work out literature review.secondly,On the base of now existing mechanical structure of bending machine,I've defined  the structure optimization of  four-roll bending machine ,so that i could draw  three dimensional structure and engineering drawing of the sample by solidworks.moreover,through finite element analysis software,ansys,checked the strength and analyzed the performance of the key component,summarized my thesis.
    Keywords  four-roll bending machine,three-dimensional design  structural optimization,   performance analysis 

    目   录
    1  绪论1
    1.1  研究背景1
    1.2  卷板机在国内外的现状2
      1.3  本课题的研究目的4
      1.4  论文研究内容4
      2    四辊卷板机设计计算过程5
      2.1  卷板机设备的分类5
      2.2  板材滚弯成形原理5
      2.3  卷制工艺6
      2.4  四辊卷板机的优缺点8
      2.5  数学模型的建立9
      2.6  理论计算12
      2.7  各工作辊强度、刚度、疲劳系数机校核14
      2.8  本章小结18
      3    三文建模和有限元分析19
      3.1  三文模型的建立19
      3.2  板材卷制过程仿真22
      3.3  仿真结果分析及上辊受力分析28
      3.4  本章小结30
      结论  31
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