     关键词: 高过载  晶振  电路设计  试验仿真
    Title  Experimental study on the impact resistance of Fuze clock circuit                            
    The fuse is the key point about controlling the safety of ammunition and the control of the detonation,it directly determines the success or failure between the weapon system and the target confrontation.Lots of loads will be taken during the process of launch and flight , especially during the penetration process,the loads which penetration fuses bore will high to thousands of or even tens of thousands of G.Fuses are easily broken in the situation of high overload,high impact ,and finally the fuse may ineffective.In order to ensure the reliability of the fuse in the occasion of high impacts and high overloads,Clock circuit 0f fuse must be take to test in the credit shock resistance tests.In this paper, the simulation clock circuit high overload shock environment impact resistant performance test technology are studied.Using the microcontroller to test the pulses of the circuit crystals from fuses,and then we use the A/D system to shift the acceleration collected.To obtain the oscillation circuit frequency change curve and acceleration curve in the process of impact.for the data support of the impact resistance analysis and evaluation of the oscillation circuit.I designed a Circuit ,made PCB,wrote the procedure about the microcontroller and verified the correctness of principles and schemes in the simulation experiment.I conducted a test of impact resistance performance of different kinds of crystal.
    Keywords  The high overload  Crystal oscillator  Circuit design   Experimental simulation
    目   次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1研究背景及意义    1
    1.2侵彻过载测试系统工作原理    1
    1.3冲击试验装置的国内外研究现状    2
    1.3.1冲击试验机    2
    1.3.2 HoPkinson压杆    3
    1.3.3空气炮    4
    1.3.4马希特击锤    5
    1.3.5空气击锤    6
    1.4本文的主要工作    6
    2 时钟电路抗冲击试验技术方案    7
    2.1 时钟电路及其抗冲击性能分析    7
    2.1.1 RC振荡电路    7
    2.1.2石英晶体振荡器    7
    2.1.3 Silicon Labs Si504    9
    2.2试验方案    9
    2.2.1试验装置    10
    2.2.2夹具及试件装置    10
    2.2.3加速度传感器    11
    2.2.4 单片机系统概述    11
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