    关键词  破甲弹   聚能装药  药型罩  反机场跑道  射流  数值仿真
    Title    the design of anti-runway armor penetration   Warhead                                          
    The air force is an important influencing factor to the war.Destroy enemy’s airport runway efficiently can hinder the plane from taking off,paralyze enemy’s air force completely,gain the initiative in a war.The anti-runway weapon becomes an important direction of research in the world.The design of anti-runway armor penetration warhead has important significance for the war in the future.
    First,this thesis design the structure of shaped charge,including the choice of explosive,the shape and size of explosive,the design of clapboard,the shape of liner,material,angle of cone,wall thickness and the height of burst.
    Second,analyze the target characteristics of runway,theoretically analyze the formation of jet flow and the penetration of different thickness of multilayer medium,calculate the penetration of shaped charge to runway with engineering calculation.
    At last,using AUTODYN simulation software to simulate the formation of shaped jet and penetration of the airport runway target board,analyze the depth of penetration and diameter of the hole,the error of engineering method is large,so the calculation results and the actual have discrepancy,need to redesign and optimize the shaped charge,silmulate again,until meet the requirements of design index.
    Keywords  armor penetration warhead,shaped charge,liner,anti-runway,jet,simulation  
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究的背景与意义    1
    1.2  课题研究应达到的目的    2
    1.3  国内外研究现状与发展趋势    2
    1.4  本文要研究的问题和拟采用的研究手段    5
    2  聚能装药射流的基本理论    7
    2.1  引言    7
    2.2 聚能射流形成理论    8
    2.3 聚能射流侵彻理论    14
    2.4 机场跑道目标特性分析    15
    2.5 聚能装药射流对机场跑道侵彻的工程算法    16
    3  聚能装药战斗部设计    19
    3.1 装药结构的设计    19
    3.2 药型罩设计    20
    3.3 动炸高 的确定    21
    4  聚能装药射流形成及其侵彻机场跑道靶板的数值仿真    22
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