    关键词  旋转爆震发动机  冷却系统  FLUENT  仿真
    Title   The Research of Cooling System for Rotating Detonation Engine            
    In recent years, the rotating detonation engine has become a hot spot of national studies. As a new engine, the rotating detonation engine has a simple structure, high thermal cycle efficiency, thrust-weight ratio, a wide working range and many other advantages, has broad application prospects. But there are still many rotating detonation engine urgent problem.
    It is in this context that we combine the characteristics of the specific structure of rotating detonation engine, its cooling system design and analysis. First, work conditions and structural characteristics of the engine knocking a comprehensive overview and points. On this basis, the use of solid modeling software for modeling engine cooling solutions, and simulation results using different cooling swirling detonation engine cooling effect, finally got the best cooling solutions, and analyze the impact of cooling the key factor in the effect.
    In this paper, several different cooling options were evaluated for the study of rotating detonation engine cooling system provides good guidance on working time and extend engine life of the engine is important.
    Keywords  RDE  The Cooling System   FLUENT  Simulation
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  旋转爆震发动机的研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  旋转爆震发动机的研究历程和现状    1
    1.3  课题主要研究内容    4
    2  旋转爆震发动机冷却方案结构    6
    2.1  旋转爆震发动机结构    6
    2.2  旋转爆震发动机冷却方案设计    6
    2.3  本章小结    9
    3  冷却方案流场数值计算    10
    3.1  计算流体力学基础理论    10
    3.2  流体力学基本控制方程    10
    3.3  CFD模型数值求解    11
    3.4  流场分析软件介绍    13
    3.5  流场分析前处理    13
    3.6  冷却系统的模型仿真    17
    3.7  本章小结    23
    4  数值结果计算分析    24
    4.1  数值结果计算分析    24
    4.2  对比分析    31
    4.3  质量流率的影响    33
    4.4  本章小结    36
    结论    37
    致谢    38
    1  绪论
    1.1  旋转爆震发动机的研究背景及意义
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