    摘要: 利用平面涡卷弹簧储存制动能是机械储能的一种方式,具有绿色环保、结构简单制造方便、使用寿命长等优点。机械储能主要以回收机构制动能,然后在需要时释放供给机构运作为目的,避免在机构制动过程中使大量的制动能通过摩擦等形式转化成热能流失掉,造成能量的浪费。本文以制动砂质飞轮为例,模拟平面涡卷弹簧储存机械能的性能和特征,进一步讨论机械储能的原理与应用。设计出以平面涡卷弹簧为储能元件的储能装置。本次设计的主要内容包括:平面涡卷弹簧、轴承、传动齿轮、中心轴等零件的尺寸计算;建立飞轮与涡簧转速、能量转换的数学模型,并利用MATLAB中simulink进行制动运动过程的仿真,分析基本参数对制动性能的影响;应用三文软件SolidWorks来设计储能机构,使储能机构可以回收和释放能量,并可以在工作与非工作两状态下有效切换;使用ANSYS软件对机构中主要的零件进行有限元模型的建立,并且对其强度进行分析以达到优化。   25408
    关键词: 平面涡卷弹簧   机械储能装置   三文模型和数学模型
    Title:    The design and element analysis of plane scroll spring  In energy stroing device                                          
    Using the plane scroll spring to storage braking energy can be a way of mechanical energy storage, it has many advantages such as environmental protection, simple structure, convenient manufacturing and long service life. The fundamental purpose of mechanical energy storage is to recovery the braking energy of mechanism first, and then release the energy to supply the mechanism when it need, in this way we can prevent many braking energy becoming heat and lose into the air, resulting in energy waste.This paper takes the braking of sandy flywheel for example,and simulate the performance and feature df plane scroll spring when it storage mechanical energy.We will design the energy storage element.The main contents of this design include:the dimension calculation of plane scroll spring,bearing,gear,central shaft and so on;establishing the mathematical model of rotational speed and energy conversion of wheel and vortex spring,using the simulink in MATLAB to simulate movement process of braking,and analysising the affect of basic parameter to braking abillity ;using 3D software-Solidworks to design the energy storage mechanism,to make it enable to recovery and release the energy,and swich effectively in the working and non working states;using ANSYS to establish the finite element model of main parts of the mechanism,and analysis it's strength to optimize it.
     Keywords:Plane scroll spring   mechanical energy storage   device of three-dimensional model and mathematical model
     目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  储能技术的原理及应用领域    1
    1.2  课题研究意义    3
    2  平面涡卷弹簧储能系统结构设计    4
    2.1 平面涡卷弹簧储能机构系统原理    4
    2.2  储能机构的技术参数    4
    2.3  平面涡卷弹簧    5
    2.4  平面涡卷弹簧的参数及代号    5
    2.5  平面涡卷弹簧的计算    7
    2.6   涡卷弹簧储能的预算与弹簧个数的确定    9
    2.7  平面涡卷弹簧尺寸的计算    11
    2.8  传动齿轮尺寸的计算    12
    2.9  轴承的确定    15
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