    关键词  U形弯轨件  冲压  有限元仿真  正交试验
    Title  The Finite Element Analysis Of Springback     
            In Stamping Of a U-shaped Rail Part.          
    The U-shaped rail is a typical form of thin plate stamping parts. It has certain representativeness in the exploring of the direction of springback problem. The springback of the U-shaped is inevitable forming defects after the external loading unloading. And the springback problems affect the shape of a precision and operational performance seriously. The CAE software and finite element software can forming simulation and defect prediction for the u-shaped rail bending. It is of great significance to the stamping process.
    In the first of this topic, 3D graphics software Pro/E is used to modeling the stamping die. After then, the finite element software Dynaform was carried out on the u-shaped rail bending parts stamping simulation prediction.Then, according to the simulation results to discuss the influence factors such as stamping die clearance, friction coefficient, velocity influence on rail bending parts stamping forming springback mechanism. And using the orthogonal experiment to study the Influence degree of this four factors: sheet thickness, blank holder force, punch velocity and friction coefficient. And finally, it is concluded that the optimal forming parameters.
    Keywords  The U-shaped rail  Stamping  Finite element simulation  Orthogonal experiment
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  本课题研究的目的与意义    1
    1.2    国内外板材成形回弹研究现状    1
    1.3    主要研究内容及目标    2
    2  U形弯轨件冲压成形的基本理论及影响因素    3
    2.1  U形弯轨件常见的成形缺陷    3
    2.2  影响板材冲压成形及回弹的主要因素    4
    2.3  解决回弹问题的主要措施    5
    2.4  本章小结    5
    3  U形弯轨件冲压成形有限元模型的建立    6
    3.1  U形弯轨件冲压成形及回弹仿真的步骤    6
    3.2  冲压模具CAD模型的建立    8
    3.3  U形弯轨件冲压成形CAE有限元模型的建立    10
    3.4  U形弯轨件冲压成形及回弹的试验安排    12
    4  U形弯轨件冲压成形及回弹单因素试验    14
    4.1  板料参数对U形弯轨件冲压成形及回弹的影响    14
    4.2  压边力对U形弯轨件冲压成形及回弹的影响    16
    4.3  冲压速度对U形弯轨件冲压成形及回弹的影响    18
    4.4  摩擦系数对U形弯轨件冲压成形及回弹的影响    20
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