    摘要本文中研究的武装机器人稳定平台是二文稳定平台,该平台是一种能够使被控对象在某个惯性空间内保持特定两个方向的位置不变,或在特定的指令控制下,在这两个方向可以位置定位的装置。平台的性能好坏将对机器人的实际工作精度造成重大影响。所以本文重点对稳定平台的结构进行以下几个方面的分析。    (1)介绍稳定平台的原理,根据平台的结构,对平台的平移运动和旋转运动进行分析。在陀螺仪位移过程中,对各个点的安装方案进行比较,得到最有利的安装位置。25388
    关键词  武装机器人  稳定平台  动力学  MATLAB/Simulink
    Title  Servo Control Design of the armed robot stabilized platform
    This article studies the armed robots are two-dimensional stabilized platform stabilized platform,The platform is a kind of can make the controlled object in an inertial space in two directions at a specific location,Or under the specific command control,In both directions can be positioning device.Platform performance good or bad will have a significant impact to robot working precision,So this article focus on the following aspects of the structure of the stabilized platform is analyzed.
    This paper introduces the principle of stabilized platform.According to the structure of the platform, the platform of the translational motion and rotation motion is analyzed.Various points in the process of displacement of gyroscope, the installation scheme comparison, get the best installation location.
    using the Newton - euler method were analyzed, and the dynamics of stabilized platform for euler dynamics equation is obtained.
    To analyze the structure of the stabilized platform control circuit, the mathematical model is established.Reference classic frequency domain method in control engineering correction on mathematical model, the system transfer function is deduced.
    Through the MATLAB/Simulink transfer function before and after the correction. After, according to the results of calibration system has better anti-interference ability and speed of response.
    Keywords  The armed robot  Turntables  Kinematics  Dynamics  MATLAB/Simulink
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题背景    1
    1.2  国内外发展历史与现状    2
    1.3  国内外发展趋势    2
    1.4  本文主要研究内容与要求    3
    2  两自由度稳定平台的运动学分析    4
    2.1  引言    4
    2.2  基本概念与理论基础    4
    2.3  稳定平台运动学方程    6
    2.4  小结    10
    3  两自由度稳定平台的动力学分析    11
    3.1  引言    11
    3.2  基本概念与理论基础    11
    3.3  刚体绕固定点转动的动量矩方程    11
    3.4  转动惯量的空间转换    13
    3.5  转动惯量的计算    13
    3.6  角速度的计算    15
    3.7  转动力矩的计算    16
    3.8  小结    17
    4  稳定平台系统建模    18
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