    本文给出了三棱盒拉深成形研究背景和意义, 对三棱盒形件拉深变形的主要特点进行了定性分析,研究了三棱盒拉深成形的主要缺陷。利用solidworks进行前期的模具建模,然后通过Dynaform这一有限元分析软件进行三棱盒拉深成形的仿真分析,并进一步分析了压边力、模具参数、板料参数等因素对三棱盒拉深成形的影响,提出了正交试验与参数分析方法,以得出最佳参数组合方案。并参考性的提出该课题的研究方向和研究方法,为探讨非对称的复杂拉深盒件冲压成形工艺打下基础。
    关键词  三棱盒形件  拉深成形  单因素分析  正交试验
    Title  Finite Element Analysis And Process Research Of  Magnesium  Alloy Triangular Box Deep Drawing.                                                  
    Deep drawing is a typical method of  processing open thin-walled hollow parts, and it plays an important role in the actual production of stamping. The cracking and wrinkling is the most serious phenomenon in the process of stamping of triangular box, and it is the most prone to defects. The surface quality of the parts can be improved and the cracking and wrinkling defects can be controlled by finite element simulation analysis of the triangular box deep drawing.
    In this paper, the background and significance of the triangular box deep drawing ware given, the main features of the rectangular box drawing deformation ware analyzed, and  the major defects of the triangular box deep drawing ware researched.First of all, the stamping mould was modeled by solidworks. Then Simulation analysis of deep drawing was simulated by finite element analysis software Dynaform .The influence of BHF, mould parameters and sheet parameters and other factors on the triangular box deep drawing was analyzed, The orthogonal test and parameter analysis was proposed, and the optimal parameters combination was found, which laid the foundation of discussion the stamping process of asymmetrical complex rectangular box.
    Keywords  Triangular box  deep drawing   Univariate analysis   Orthogonal Test
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究背景和意义    1
    1.2  多棱盒拉深成形发展现状    2
    1.3  主要研究内容    3
    1.4  论文组成    4
    2  三棱盒拉深成形机理    5
    2.1  多棱盒形件拉深成形的特点    5
    2.2  三棱盒拉深成形的主要成形缺陷    6
    2.3  影响三棱盒拉深成形的主要因素    7
    2.4  本章小结    7
    3  镁合金三棱盒拉深成形有限元模型建立    9
    3.1 镁合金三棱盒拉深成形仿真的步骤    9
    3.2  三棱盒模具的CAD模型    10
    3.3  建立三棱盒拉深成形的CAE有限元模型    12
    3.4  三棱盒拉深成形试验安排    14
    4  三棱盒拉深成形单因素试验    15
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