    关键词  滚珠丝杠  双驱动进给系统  试验台   模态分析
    Title    A Design of Test-Bed for Double Ball Screw Feeding System                  
       With the development of the CNC machine tool,the requirement of CNC machine has tend to high speed,accuracy and good stability .The single ball screw drive feed system can not meet these requirement of CNC machine ,which the double ball screw drive feed system can easily reach.The double ball screw drive feed system has good vibration resistance, high rigidity that makes it become more and more applied to CNC machine.
    This article main contents are aimed to design a suitable test-bed for the double ball screw drive feed system to measure the double screw drive feed system.
       This article will design a double ball screw drive feed system with clear requirements based on the design principle of double ball screw drive feed system.
    And the suitable test-bed will be designed according to the design results.
    Then using the ANSYS software was carried on the model analysis of test-bed for double ball screw feeding system.By analyzing the result of modal analysis,we can
    verify the feasibility of the test-bed design.
    Keywords: ball screw,double ball screw drive feed system,test-bed,model analysis
    目   次
    1  引言 1
    1.1 课题研究的意义和目的1
    1.2 国内外的研究现状2
    1.3 本文研究主要内容6
    2   双丝杠进给系统的设计7
    2.1  设计要求7
    2.2  滚珠丝杠副的设计选型8
    2.3  滚动导轨的设计选型 12
    2.4  轴承的设计选型15
    2.5  伺服电机的设计选型 17
    2.6  联轴器的设计选型 18
    2.7  本章小结 19
    3   试验台设计20
    3.1  试验台的初步设计20
    3.2  试验台设计方案结果 24
    4   基于有限元的模态分析26
    4.1  方案一的模态分析26
    4.2  方案二的模态分析33
    4.3  方案三的模态分析36
    4.4  方案四的模态分析39
    4.5  模态分析结果的对比与设计方案的确定42
    4.6  本章小结43
    5  试验台的应用44
    5.1  温度测量44
    5.2  位移、加速度、精度测量45
    5.3  本章小结47
    结论 48
    致谢  49
    附录A1  方案一二文图  52
    附录A2  方案二二文图  53
    附录A3  方案三二文图  54
    附录A4  方案四二文图  55

    表2.1  双丝杠驱动直线进给系统设计条件7
    表2.2  各当量切削力和重力在滑块上的作用力 13
    表3.1  铸铁件的推荐壁厚 21
    表4.1  模态分析对比表45
    1  引言
    1.1 课题研究的意义和目的
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