    Title        The design and simulation of Small        
      brushless DC motor control algorithm      
    In this paper, a small brushless DC motor servo for the study, the simulation model of electric steering gear control system, studies the design method associated controller.The main contents are as follows:
       First, Brushless DC motor based on their body works of the transfer function to get the armature balance equation, the torque balance equation, the potential equation and other ,get the mathematic model of the motor body.Use PWM driving principle and mathematical modeling formula for approximate simulation with a mathematical model of PWM drive.And reducer gear transmission mechanism model.
       Secondly, based on the principle of electric servo control and use of mathematical models and MATLAB built in SIMULINK modules were designed from the inside out, three closed-loop feedback loop current loop, velocity loop and position loop.By comparing the position type PID control algorithm and incremental PID control algorithm of the pros and cons, the final incremental PID control algorithm design and calculation of the controller parameters of each link.
       Finally, each of the above modules integrate simulation and traceability from step two, step signal at the input, respectively, in the two conditions under no-load and load simulation;When entering the same simulated amplitude and different frequencies of 1HZ, 5HZ and 10HZ sinusoidal input signal and compare the simulation results and bias.Analysis shows that the design meets the target, control algorithm design is successful, we can provide a reference for engineering design calculations.
    Key words:Brushless DC Motor,PID control, Tricyclic feedback
    1 绪论    1
    1.1研究背景    1
    1.2舵机控制系统的研究现状    2
    1.3本文的主要研究内容    4
    2 无刷直流电机的结构组成和工作原理    5
    2.1结构组成    5
    2.2工作原理    5
    2.3伺服电机的选型    8
    3 无刷直流电机控制系统的建模    9
    3.1 电机模型    9
    3.2驱动模型    12
    3.3减速传动机构模型    12
    4 无刷直流电机控制算法设计    13
    4.1无刷直流电机控制原理    13
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