     3000 litres of kneading machine's main boiler design
    Abstract: Kneading machine is composed of a pair of complementary and rotating blades (usually a z-shaped) produces strong shearing. Kneading machine is a device used to mix industrial raw materials. It has a certain viscosity. However, viscosity will reduce to a certain extent when at high temperatures, such as pitch, paraffin wax, carbon and so on. Currently, kneading machine is mainly used for carbon trade, is the auxiliary equipment of electrolytic aluminum industry, providing electrodes for electrolytic aluminium production. Its mixture of material is pided into two kinds: positive electrode and negative electrode. Kneading capacity from 1000L to 6000L. A greater volume of kneading machine is under development. Kneading machine has a tendency to developing in larger volume Common method of discharging includes hydraulic ball valve, turn the cylinder dumping, screw extrusion and so on。Kneading machine is consist of the main boiler, rotor, knives, stripper agencies and so on The main part of the kneading machine are knives, and apart from the knives, boiler is the most important part. So in order to guarantee the life of the boiler, we put a layer of wear-resistant ability of materials---liner inside the boiler. This time, I will design the main boiler of 3000 liters kneading machine. Firstly, learn and master the work principle and structure of kneading machine according to review the literature online or in the library. Having a good use of knowledge learning from class ,include, mechanical design, mechanical theory, mechanical machining techniques and computer aided design is important Combing the theoretical knowledge learned in the past and improve the ability of theory with practice and integrated analysis Then, start to design 2~3 schemes about the main boiler and compare the advantages and disadvantages of each scheme, considering how to layout reasonable and how to choose material economical Lastly, I will do some analysis and calculation of main boiler strength, structural design, liner, main boiler, and the space from knife to kettle boiler liner.
    Key Words:kneading machine;main boiler strength;structural design;liner;
    2014届本科生毕业设计(论文)    1
    1绪论    1
    1.1 混涅锅的介绍    1
    1.2混涅锅的工作原理    2
    1.3. 碳钢混涅锅的结构特点    4
    1.4 碳钢混涅锅的优缺点    4
    1.4.1 碳钢混涅锅的优点    4
    1.4.2 碳钢混涅锅的缺点    5
    1.5 混涅锅的分类    5
    1.5.1 按工作原理分类:    5
    1.5.2按出料方式分类:    6
    1.5.3按材质特点分类:    7
    1.6混涅锅研究的目的和意义    8
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