    摘要:智能移动机器人,是一个集成了计算机视觉、复合传感器、硬件驱动、过程控制、自动控制原理与人工智能等多个领域的基础知识与最新研究成果,使得智能移动机器人具有环境感知、动态决策与规划、控制与执行等整合而成的综合系统。是机电一体化领域中最高成就的代表之一,也被称为当前科技发展尖端领域之一。 移动机器人的路径的种类有很多种,比如色带,磁带等等,这些都属于信标路径,需要人为事先进行实物的铺设。对于智能移动机器人而言,它需要使用路径规划算法在全局环境地图中规划出一条虚拟路径,并经计算出的路径发送至运动控制器使其跟踪既定路径完成移动。 本课题对基于栅格地图的人工势场路径规划方法进行了研究, 通过将人工势场法与栅格地图这两个常用的简单路径规划算法结合,即降低了计算量,也从根本上避免了人工势场法的难题——局部最优点的“死锁”,且相较于传统栅格法的遍历穷举或递归、检验、回溯算法规划路径,本算法在一次规划可靠性、安全性、效率上均有较大优化。
    针对路径跟踪问题,本课题设计了并利用李雅普诺夫第二法验证了位姿镇定控制器。并且制作了带有底层速度或位置闭环的可拓展移动机器人平台,结合移动机器人硬件实际条件为位姿镇定控制器使用了模糊控制。 25494
       Path planning and intelligent tracking control
    of mobile robots
    Abstract:Intelligent mobile robot ( mobile platform ) , is an integrated system of
    context-aware , dynamic decision-making and planning functions , control and
    execution of. It focused on the sensor technology, information processing, electronic
    engineering, computer automation, control engineering and artificial intelligence
    research and other disciplines. It also represents the highest achievement of
    mechatronics and is one of the most sophisticated and active areas of science and
    technology currently.
    Types of mobile robot path there are many, such as ribbon , tape , etc. These are
    beacons path , you need to lay the marks in advance . For intelligent mobile robots  ,
    it needs to use path planning algorithm path planning out a virtual map in the global
    environment map, and transmits the calculated path to the motion controller which
    will help the robot to complete the move to make tracking the established path .
    his paper use the artificial potential field path planning method based on grid maps,
    which is a combination of two commonly used simple path planning algorithm. Not
    only reduces the computational complexity, but also to avoid the fundamental the
    artificial potential field problems - local minima of a "deadlock ". The algorithm in a
    planning reliability , security, have greater efficiency optimization.
    For path tracking , reasonable posture stabilization controller was design by Lyapunov
    method. And produced a mobile robot platform can be expanded with the underlying
    closed loop speed or position. Due to the hardware of robot, a limiter has been added.
    By such a control system , a global map of the mobile robot is completed in a virtual
    path and track virtual path tracking point array.
    Key Words:path planning ; mobile robot artificial potential field ; grid map ;
    path tracking ; posture stabilization   目  录
    1  绪论.  1
    1.1智能移动机器人的路径规划与跟踪控制研究的意义  .  1
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