    摘要本课题设计开发的旋转机械无线遥测试验台即可以满足企业测试要求, 也可以作为科研设备,主要是利用无线遥测检测技术,结合传统的测量技术,实现旋转机械的应力应变、振动等的测试以及分析。本课题主要以模拟旋转汽轮机转子作为研究对象,对旋转叶片应力应变和振动进行测试而设计,通过对叶片不同条件下应力应变分布情况的测试,与理论分析相结合,获得各种不同工况下的应力应变变化规律,进而为发动机的设计及失效分析提供依据。23562
    关键词:无线遥测试验台 ,叶片,汽轮机转子,应力应变,测试,振动
    This dynamic integrated dynamic integrated testing platform on rotary machines not
    only can be used as teaching equipments, but also be applicable to scientific research in the
    scientific institutions.
    The stress and strain, displacement, temperature, speed, torque, vibration and shaft
    stiffness of rotating machinery can be tested, primarily using fiber grating, and other sensor
    detection technology, combined with the traditional measurement technology. In this paper, to
    study for the rotating blades, the platform is developed for the rotating blade shaft stiffness and
    stress and strain testing. By testing the leaves under different conditions of stress and strain
    distribution, combined with the theoretical analysis, you can sum up all kinds of different
    conditions of stress and strain changes in the law, providing the basis for the design of engine
    blades and failure analysis.
    This paper presents the overall structure of the platform and the principle of experiments.
    By calculating and analysis, the mechanical system design is completed, while the test system
    made a rough testing method is completed on the basis of system design. I use
    three-dimensional modeling software Pro-E to model and simulate, making results more
    intuitive. The effect of the testing platform is given, including its photo. Finally, a summary of
    the final prospects is finished.
    Key Words:testing platform;blade;fiber grating;stress and strain;testing;目录
    1 绪论 1
    1.1 课题的目的及意义 .1
    1.2 国内外研究状况 .1
    1.3 传感器在振动试验台上的运用 .2
    2 无线遥测实验台的组成及实验原理 3
    2.1 实验台的总体设计及组成 .3
    2.2 试验台主要性能参数 .4
    2.2.1 技术要求与测试参数:.4
    2.2.2 试验台的主要性能参数:.5
    3 机械系统设计计算 6
    3.1 旋转机械无线遥测测试试验台整体结构设计 .6
    3.2 电动机的选取 .7
    3.2.1 选择电动机类型7
    3.2.2 选择电动机功率7
    3.3 传动比的计算.12
    3.4 轴的设计与校核.12
    3.4.1 计算轴的转矩 .12
    3.6 轴的设计计算.13
    3.7 轴承的选择及校核计算.18
    3.7.1 轴的轴承 18
    3.7.3 轴承 18
    3.8 联轴器的选择和计算.21
    3.9 键的选择和校核计算.22
    3.9.1 低速轴与联轴器用键联接 22
    3.9.2 轴与联轴器用键联接 22
    3.10 润滑 .23
    3.10.1 轴的润滑23
    3.11 传感器的安装 .23
    3.11.1 应变片的粘贴23
    4 测控系统的设计.24
    4.1 控制系统 24
    4.2 检测系统 24
    4.2.1 各机械部件安装与功能: .25
    4.2.2 传感器信号调理(放大、调理、转换)器 .26
    4.2.3 数据采集卡 .26
    4.2.4 接线端子卡 .26
    4.2.5 光隔离卡(光电隔离器) .27
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